- Blame it on my evil genius! 都怪我中了邪魔了!
- Blame it on my evil genius 都怪我中了邪魔了!
- So I cannot blame it on my disorganization. 因此,我不能责怪我瓦解它。
- Grandma: I blame it all on my cousin Effie. 外婆:这都怪我的表姐艾菲。
- We will not have you blame it on others . 我们不能让你把责任推到别人身上。
- I can't carry it on my own; it's too heavy. 我一人拿不动,这东西太重。
- Do not blame it on him, for he has done his best. 别怪他,他已经尽力了。
- Can I charge it on my visa card? 我可以有VISA卡付款吗?
- Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他, 该怪我。
- Catcher Block: Blame it on the bossa nova. 全怪巴萨诺瓦吧。
- We won't have you blame it on others. 我们不能让你把责任推到别人身上去。
- Blame it on the presidential election? 美国大选是造成这种情况的“罪魁祸首”吗?
- Blame it on doting parents, teachers and coaches. 要怪溺爱这一代的父母、老师和辅导员。
- I have it on my conscience that I offended you. 我惹你生气,对此我感到内疚。
- Don't worry. I will do it on my own responsibility. Nobody will blame you. 不要担心。我做这件事自己负责。没人会责备你的。
- I blame this one on my Evil Muse, too, since I was originally trying for something horrifying and/or dramatic. My February A submission for the Manga Art Exchange. 又是一个歪主意惹得祸;我原来是想画一个恐怖或有冲击性的画面。2003年二月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
- Are you obese? Well, blame it on your social nature. 觉得自己太胖?那就要怪你天生外向的性格了。
- I can not carry it on my own; It's too heavy. 我无法独自携带它,太重了。
- I did it on my own responsibility. 我自作主张地做了这件事。
- You should not blame it on her,because shi is innocent. 你不应该将此事归咎于她,她是无辜的。