- Moreover requirements are submitted to teachers in teaching content, classroom expression, teaching emphasis and application of blackboard writing. 从教学内容、课堂表达、教学重点及板书的运用等几个方面对教师提出要求。
- An important step in writing teaching is to help students search for the correspondency of themselves and their real lives. 写作教学的一个重要环节是帮助学生寻找自我与生活的契合点。
- English Writing teaching has been the weak link of English teaching, which makes many educators puzzled. 长期以来,英语写作教学一直是英语教学的薄弱环节,困扰着许多教育工作者。
- Chapter two analyses the development and .change of writing teaching inMongolian magazines, writing monographs and Mongolian language teaching methods. 第二章,分析了写作教学在蒙古文杂志、写作专著和语文教学法中的发展变化。
- This article points out that the application of PBL learning mode helps to improve practical writing teaching quality in vocational schools. 摘要本文指出PBL学习模式的应用,有助于提高职校应用文写作教学质量。
- Introduction: Former teacher wrote the blackboard writing on the blackboard, and some classroom conscious students, he started laughing and joking below, Oh, no, our teachers to hot! 老师在黑板前写板书,而教室里一些不自觉的同学则开始在下面嘻嘻哈哈,呵呵,这不,把我们的老师给惹火了吧!
- Meanwhile,the network writing teaching can improve the teaching quality and efficiency and make up the insufficiency of "group teaching" to the maximum limit. 写作教学的网络化能全面提高写作教学的质量和效率,最大限度的弥补“批处理”教学模式带来的不足。
- The Importance of Blackboard Writing during Multi-Media Teaching Cannot be Neglected 多媒体教学中板书的作用不能忽视
- A slogan is over the blackboard. 一条标语在黑板正上方。
- The reform of the writing teaching in quality education should focus on renewing the educational view,fostering the innovative spirit and reforming the teaching method and test method. 素质教育中的写作教学改革应以更新教育观点,培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,更新教材,改革教学方法和考试考查办法。
- On the Layout of Blackboard Writing in High School Fine Arts Class 中学美术课板书设计浅议
- According to the requirement of contemporary society to qualified personnel and the position of writing teaching in college teaching, this article airs the views on college writing course in its aim, strategy and appraisal. 本文根据现代社会对人才的要求及写作教学在高校教学中的地位 ,对高校写作教学的目标、策略、评价等方面的改革提出几点思考。
- Qn blackboard writing designing in art lessons of Middle School 浅谈中学美术课板书设计
- To train the innovative ability of students in writing teaching, we can break their rigescent copy thinking, cultivate their multitude innovative thinking, divergent thinking, and creationary imagination ability and construct interactive teaching mode. 写作教学中培养学生的创新能力可以通过打破学生的僵化复制型思维、培养多向创新思维、发散思维、创造性想象能力、构建师生互动的写作教学模式等途径实现。
- During teaching,writing proposition is apt to fictionalization, similarization, modelization thus writing teaching is inefficient and falls into the position of effort but no gains . 在实践中存在着命题的虚拟化、雷同化和模式化倾向,导致了写作教学效率低下,陷入劳而无功的困境。
- The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk. 老师用一支粉笔在黑板上写字。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- Finally, this paper also designs some practical, microcosmic strategies for primary writing teaching process, for example, “playwright strategy”, “reporter strategy”, “ad.Mastermind strategy”. 最后,笔者还针对小学作文教学的现状设计了若干操作性强、次级的策略,如“编剧” 策略、“记者”策略、“广告策划员”策略等。
- The teacher's chalk grated on the blackboard. 老师的粉笔在黑板上发出刺耳的摩擦声。
- The teacher erased the letters on the blackboard. 老师擦掉了黑板上的字母。