- Bioreactor landfill site 生物反应器填埋场
- Xikengwei Refuse Landfill Site Construction Given the go-ahead. 西坑尾垃圾填埋场将全面动工。
- Exploration of Landfill Site Leachate Treatment Technology. 垃圾填埋场渗沥水处理技术探讨。
- The study optimized the experimental condition of NR in landfill with the waste sample of bioreactor landfill and on the basis of the soil enzymology. 以生物反应器填埋场中的垃圾样品为研究对象,以土壤酶学测定方法为基础,对填埋场中硝酸还原酶的测定条件进行了优化研究。
- Taking Tetrahymena thermophila as the object of the toxicity experiment,the biotoxicity variation of leachate in the anaerobic bioreactor landfill system was studied. 以嗜热四膜虫作为毒性试验生物,对厌氧生物反应器垃圾填埋系统渗滤液的生物毒性变化进行了研究。
- The results show that the biotoxicity of leachate treated by the anaerobic bioreactor landfill system gradually decreases with landfill time prolongation. 结果表明,通过将渗滤液回灌使其在厌氧生物反应器填埋系统中得到处理,可使渗滤液的生物毒性随填埋时间的延长而逐渐降低;
- The concetion of the MDW bioreactor landfill,the definition and form of the leachate recirculation and the model of leachate's movement in the bioreactor landfill were introduced. 介绍了城市生活垃圾生物反应器填埋技术的概念和渗滤液回灌的定义、形式和渗滤液在填埋垃圾中的运动规律。
- Based on the degradation mechanism of municipal solid waste in bioreactor landfill, this paper analyzes the transform trend of leachate and discusses its treatment scheme. 根据垃圾的降解和稳定机理分析了生物反应器填埋场渗滤液的动态变化规律,并对其处理对策进行了探讨。
- At bioreactor landfill, all leachate should be recirculated in the initial stage and then some of it could be treated off-site in the later stage, depending on specific cases. 生物反应器填埋场前期产生的渗滤液可全部回灌,后期再根据实际情况排放处理部分过量的渗滤液。
- The protesters were angry at the government plans to reopen a local landfill site. 第2章 模拟试题
- During the first year we hired a truck every three months to take garbage to a landfill site in Huairou. 在第一年,我们每三个月雇一辆卡车将垃圾运到怀柔的一个销纳场,month.
- The stability is one primary problem of construction waste landfill site engineering. 稳定性是建筑垃圾填埋场工程的主要问题之一。
- A bioreactor landfill is a solid waste treatment method that uses enhanced microbiological processes to transform and stabilize the readily and moderately decomposable organic wastes. 生物反应堆是通过强化微生物转化和降解有机废物的能力进行处理固体废物的一种方法。
- The results show that the region nearby the waste landfill site hasbeen polluted. 结果表明,垃圾场已对周围环境造成二次污染。
- This paper studies the stabilization of Zhaojiagou Landfill site in Shenyang,which has been closed for 2 years. 对沈阳市一个关闭2年左右的垃圾卫生填埋场的稳定化状态进行了研究。
- It has been found that LFG is a potentially danger for the buildings near the landfill site. 测试结果表明,填埋气体的横向迁移现象明显,对周围建筑物安全具有潜在的威胁。
- According to bioreactor landfill, it is the key work to control the moisture distribution in landfills. 对于生物反应器填埋场,控制填埋场内部的水分分布是研究的关键之一。
- The hazardous waste that cannot be treated on-site will be collected and treated in central treatment and disposal facilities such as the new landfill site to be built. 不能就地安全处理处置的危险废物全部集中处理,建成危险废物集中填埋场。
- If we continue to overlook the increasing waste in Guangzhou, it is likely that Guangzhou will become a huge landfill site sooner or later. 如果我们继续无视广州日益增多的垃圾,有可能不久的将来广州将成为巨大的垃圾填埋场。
- Landfill gas(LFG) and leaching solution are generated by bio-degradation in bioreactor landfills inducing the settlement of waste. 通过数值仿真实现垃圾填埋体的变形沉降及气体产生和迁移演化过程的可视化,得到气体压力及产气量随填埋年份的变化规律。