- Biological soil amendment 生物土壤添加剂
- Charcoal can be a beneficial soil amendment as it could be stable for thousands of years. 木炭可以是一种有益的泥土改善品,其功能在上千年里能保持稳定。
- Chito-oligosaccharide may be also used as soil amendment and inducer of resistant to plant disease. 其主要的制备方法有化学法、酶解法和物理法。
- Mechanisms of soil amendment in controlling Fusarium wilt diseases.? Symposium on Soilborne Plant Diseases p11-12, Taiwan . 十字花科蔬菜黑斑病菌的选择性培养基与存活。植保会刊23(4):304。
- Algae and mosses are not only two common pioneer plants in the process of vegetation succession but also two groups with the highest biomass in the biological soil crust. 藻类和苔藓植物是荒漠植被演替过程中常见的两类先锋植物, 同时也是生物结皮中生物量最大的2个类群。
- The utilization of mixtures of fly ash and biosolids in soil amendment is suggested to be one of the best methods of solid waste disposal and utilization. 认为粉煤灰与若干有机固体废弃物配施具有良好的土壤改良效果,也是我国固体废弃物处置和利用的最佳途径之一。
- The results showed that this soil amendment could promote the biomass amount of the crop, increase the nutrients of the soil and improve the physical characteristics of the soil. 实验结果表明,造纸污泥堆肥作为农业肥料,可以增加作物的生物量,提高土壤的养分含量,有效改良土壤的物理性状;
- Biological soil crusts are the community of organisms living at the surface of desert soils.Major components are cyanobacteria, green algae, microfungi, mosses, liverworts and lichens. 生物土结皮生长在沙漠土壤表层的有机体群落,主要由蓝细菌、绿藻、微小真菌、苔藓、地钱和地衣等组成。
- Because applying part was different, there was a big difference in water content amon treatments. The result implied that way and depth of soil amendment application were important factors which affected soil water condition. 施加部位不同 ,土壤结构改良剂对土壤所持水分的含量也有较大差别 ,说明在实际应用中土壤结构改良剂的施用方法和施用深度也是影响土壤水分状况的一个较为重要的因素。
- Turf media were respectively compounded by loam, clay soil, sand and waste crumb rubber with four different sizes as soil amendment, and ecological responses of turfgrass were investigated. 选择4种不同粒径大小的废旧橡胶颗粒分别与壤土、粘土、沙土组配草坪基质,通过组配基质构建草坪建植体系,研究了草坪植物的生态响应。
- Wilson, S.A., Rahe, T.M. and Webber, W.B., “Municipal wastewater sludge as a soil amendment for revegetating final landfill cover”, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol.40(3), pp.296-299,1985. 陈孝行、徐宏德、林伟宇、徐嘉彬,“零价金属去除硝酸盐氮污染地下水源之研究”,第一届土壤及地下水处理技术研讨会论文,台中,2003。
- This study focuses on realizing the potential factors regarding the stability of mudstone soil, and the results can be the reference for researches regarding mudstone soil amendment. 目的在于瞭解泥岩土壤潜在与稳定性有关之因子,及验证前人研究之泥岩改良理论,做为泥岩土壤改良研究上之参考。
- Present Study on Biological Soil Crusts in China 沙漠生物结皮国内研究现状
- artificial biological soil crusts 人工生物结皮
- black paint soil amendment and mulch 黑色涂料和覆盖
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- Study on Amount and Time of Soil Amendment Applied 土壤盐碱改良剂施用量及施用时期研究
- Zeolite and Modified Application as Soil Amendment 沸石与改性沸石在土壤质量改良中的应用研究进展
- The school has a large biological laboratory. 这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。
- Effect of Shajiang black soil amended by coal fly ash on ecological factors and residue of heavy metal in wheat field. 粉煤灰改良砂姜黑土对麦田生态因子及重金属残留的影响。