- These two new clauses are supported by the Bills Committee. 这两条新订的草案条文已获得法案委员会支持。
- Members decided to form a Bills Committee to scrutinize the Bill. 委员决定成立一个法案委员会,审议条例草案。
- The Legislative Council has set up a Bills Committee to examine the bill. 立法会已成立法案委员会审议该条例草案。
- The Bills Committee referred the subject to the FA Panel for follow-up. 法案委员会把这个课题转交财经事务委员会跟进。
- A bills committee usually tables a report in council after it has completed its task. 委员会通常会在完成审议工作后,向立法会提交报告。
- The chairman of a Bills Committee shall be elected by the committee from among its members. 法案委员会的主席须由该委员会的委员互选产生。
- We will continue to work hand in hand with the Bills Committee and the industry. 我们会继续与法案委员会和业界并肩工作。
- Tenure of chairmanship and deputy chairmanship should be for the life of the Bills Committee. 正副主席的任期至法案委员会结束运作为止。
- The amendments are mainly drafting and technical in nature and are supported by the Bills Committee. 修正案主要是有关草拟和技术性质的修订,并已获得法案委员会的支持。
- At the conclusion of its deliberations, the Bills Committee will report back to the House Committee. 法案委员会完成审议工作后,便会向内务委员会提交报告。
- A bills committee was formed by the Legislative Council in March that year to consider the bill and the public submissions on it. 立法会于同年三月成立法案委员会,审议这条条例草案以及市民就草案提交的意见书。
- Not all bills require the formation of Bills Committees. 并非所有法案均须成立法案委员会进行研究。
- I will move a number of amendments at the Committee Stage. These amendments have all been agreed by the Bills Committee. 我将会在委员会审议阶段动议通过数项修订建议,这些建议全部都获得条例草案委员会同意。
- Except in special circumstances, such a deadline shall normally be one clear day before the day of the first meeting of the Bills Committee. 除特别情况外,该限期通常为法案委员会首次会议日期的一整天前。
- I am pleased that the Bills Committee has supported us in amending the existing legislation to improve the safety of lifts and escalators. 我很高兴法案委员会支持我们修改现行法例以改善升降机及自动梯的安全。
- Members may also join a Bills Committee by submission of returns to the Secretariat by the deadline set by the clerk to the Bills Committee. 议员亦可于该法案委员会的秘书所订限期内,将回条交回秘书处,以示参加法案委员会。
- A Bills Committee, chaired by Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, has been formed to study the Bill. 立法会已成立法案委员会研究条例草案,由周梁淑怡议员担任主席。
- Owing to there being insufficient time to complete the consideration of the bill,the bills committee was dissolved the following May. 由于时间不足,法案委员会无法在会期内完成审议工作。委员会遂于二零零零年五月解散。
- The maximum number of Bills Committees should be limited to 16 at any one time. 法案委员会在同一时间运作的数目最多应只限16个。
- Any member, other than the President, may join a bills committee to consider the principles and merits of a bill allocated to it for scrutiny. 法案委员会:除立法会主席外,任何立法会议员均可加入法案委员会。