- Bili Guijie century 奇器图说
- Physics has made enormous progress in this century. 本世纪物理学的发展突飞猛进。
- There were four major quakes in this century. 本世纪有四次大的地震。
- Tom is one of the seers in the sixteenth century. 汤姆是十六世纪的先知。
- The 20th century is drawing to an end. 20世纪即将结束。
- We are living in the 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。
- An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century. 这个家族的一支旁系於十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。
- This scientist lived in the nineteenth century. 这位科学家生活在十九世纪。
- It happened late last century in 1895, to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末--准确地说,在1895年。
- We have had two world wars in this century. 本世纪我们已经经历了两次世界大战。
- His family goes back to the 18th century. 他的家族可追溯至十八世纪。
- It happened somewhere in the 18th century. 这事发生在十八世纪某个时候。
- The church has become more liberal in this century. 本世纪教会变得不那么守旧了。
- His ancestors ascend to the 15th century. 他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。
- The palace was built in the fifteenth century. 这宫殿建于十五世纪。
- It happened in the nineteenth century. 这事发生在十九世纪。
- This bronze bell dates from the 16th century. 这口青铜钟是在十六世纪制造的。
- We live in the twentieth century. 我们生活在二十世纪。
- He faked the fine furniture of the century before. 他仿造了一个世纪前的精美家俱。
- He traces his family back to about the fifteenth century. 他把他的家世追溯到十五世纪前後。