- Big Dipper adoration 北斗崇拜
- The Big Dipper can give you a sense of direction when you are lost. 当你迷路时北斗七星可以给你一点方向感。
- The Big Dipper is not by itself a constellation. 北斗七星本身不是一个星座。
- Big Dipper ( location) UFO Space Object and more. 北斗七星(地点)空间和更多飞碟。
- The big dipper can give you a sense of direction when you were lost. 当你迷路时北斗七星可以给你一点方向感。
- On a clear night, I looked up at the sky and saw the Big Dipper. 晴朗的夜空, 我看见了天上的北斗。
- The Big Dipper is the easiest constellation to lacte. 北斗七星是最易观测的星座.;北斗七星是最易观测的星座
- Tonight's chart shows the Big Dipper for around mid evening. 今晚的星图向你展示了在午夜时分的北斗七星。
- You can figure out the position of the Big Dipper on this star chart. 你可以在这张星空图中看到魁星的位置。
- May 20, 2007, the Republic of Korea, held at the Big Dipper horse competitions. 2007年5月20日,韩国,当地举行斗马比赛。
- I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me; after all, you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我也拒绝乘坐游乐场惯性车道; 不要逼人做他不愿意做的事。
- In this photo, Big Dipper is on the left while Leo is in the middle of the image as star trail. 图中的左方是北斗七星,中央是狮子座,由于相片曝光时间较长,星都拉长了成为星迹。
- Either of the two stars in the Big Dipper that are aligned so as to point to Polaris. 指极星大熊星座中两颗连线后指向北极星的星中的任一颗
- Seven Stars Big Dipper colloid mill JM series, the colloid pump the ZB series, the mulser R series. ... 温州七星乳品设备厂-特大型胶体磨,小型胶体磨:多功能涂料胶体磨:陶瓷釉料胶体磨;钛白粉研磨机器
- But on March 2, 1962, in Hershey, Pa., "The Big Dipper" put all his previous efforts to shame. 1962年3月2日,张伯伦率队以169比147击败了不可一世的纽约尼克斯队。
- I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我拒绝乘坐云霄飞车。
- The hour hand is a line drawn through Dubhe and Merak, the two pointer stars of the Big Dipper. 时针呢,就是描绘从北斗一到北斗二的一条线,即北斗七星的两个指针星。
- Scrolling to the far right will bring over the familiar asterism of the Big Dipper. 拖动滚动条至右边缘,你将看到熟悉的北斗七星。
- The Big Dipper, the star Altair and the star Vega can be identified, but other stars cannot. 有些星宿如北斗七星、牛郎织女星可以辨识,有些则难以分辨。
- Now when you see the seven stars of the Big Dipper, won't it remind you of this filial, kind, and brave little girl? 今天我们看到那七颗杓子星时,是否也会想起曾有过这么一位孝顺、仁慈而勇敢小女孩呢?