- Big Bang of Web Pages! 网页大爆炸事件!
- He gets a big bang out of movies. 他从电影中得到乐趣。
- The most recent expansion, the big bang of May2004, when eight ex-communist countries( plus Cyprus and Malta) joined, has been highly successful. 最近一次扩盟发生在2004年5月,在这次非常成功的剧变中共有八个前共产主义国家(上塞浦路斯和马耳他)入了欧盟。
- The most recent expansion, the big bang of May 2004, when eight ex-communist countries (plus Cyprus and Malta) joined, has been highly successful. 最近一次扩张,2004年八个前共产主义国家(包括塞浦路斯和马耳他)加入欧盟的重大举措,是非常成功的。
- A test type that targets the validation of Web pages and HTTP requests. 面向网页和HTTP请求验证的测试类型。
- The Big Bang of 1986 abolished the distinction between brokers and jobbers and allowed foreign firms, with more capital, into the market. 1986年的大事件是取消了卷商与市商的区别,并容许拥有更多资本的外国公司进入市场。
- These rules provide Web tests a set of tools to test the content of Web pages. 命名空间包含Web测试用来测试网页的规则集。这些规则为Web测试提供测试网页内容的工具集。
- Germain Act of 1982, which dismantled New Deal-era banking regulation;they had the Big Bang of 1986, which deregulated London's financial industry. Germain法案,该法案借出了新政时代的金融管制,他们有1986年的“大爆炸”法案,对伦敦的金融业进行了放松管制改革。
- The background of web pages is white by default, like a sheet of paper. 背景色魔人是白色的,就像一张纸。
- It added the one trillionth address to the list of Web pages it knows about. 它的已访问网页名单添加了第1000000000000个地址。
- CSS controls the display of Web pages by using an external style sheet rather than built-in tag behaviors. CSS利用外部的样单而不是内嵌的标志行为来控制Web页面的显示。
- The millions of Web pages out there make up an eclectic hodgepodge of information and opinion. 数以百万计的网页组成了一个信息的大杂质烩。
- Currently available Java programs are small "applets" that are available as part of Web pages. 目前能得到的Java程序都是小的应用程序(称作applet),它们是作为Web页面的一部分而获得的。
- Increase the disk cache if you want to keep more local copies of Web pages, and keep them longer. 如果您想要保留网页的数量和时间再多一点,请增加磁盘缓存。
- Represents the display mode used for changing the layout of Web pages that contain Web Parts controls. 表示用于更改包含Web部件控件的网页布局的显示模式。
- The Big Bang doesn’t come out of nowhere, but needs an intriguer. 宇宙不是无端爆炸的,它需要一个引体。
- For example, search for Mohammad will bring list of web pages in this site that contain that name. 例如,查寻Mohammad将带来包含那个名字的网页的名单在这个站点。
- Big Bang of Traditional Securities Brokerage Business 券商传统业务爆发
- Select this option to append tracing information to the bottom of Web pages on your site. 选择此选项,以将跟踪信息附加在站点上网页的底部。
- Specify how much space Opera should use to store (cache) local copies of Web pages. 指定Opera应该使用多少空间存储(缓存)网页的本地副本。