- The news of Beijing's succesful bid for Olympic Games excites us with heart afire. 北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾。
- He has bid for Olympic glory her whole life. 他的一生都在为奥运会的荣誉而努力。
- If Beijing wins the bid for Olympics,he would be glad to share Sydney's successful experience in holding the Olympic Games with China. 他还表示如果北京申办成功,他愿意将成功举办悉尼奥运会的经验与中国分享。
- If Beijing wins the bid for Olympics, he would be glad to share Sydney's successful experience in holding the Olympic Games with China. 他还表示如果北京申办成功,他愿意将成功举办悉尼奥运会的经验与中国分享。
- Beijing is bidding for the Olympic Games. 北京正在申办奥运会。
- As Beijing succeeded to bid for Olympics, it'll accelerate the development of economy as same as Olympic Games brought economic boom to Tokyo in 1964 and Seoul in 1988. 北京申奥成功,从经济上来说,将是一个极大的促进,正如1964年的东京奥运会和1988年的汉城奥运会带来的经济腾飞。
- Beijing' s bid for Olympic games 北京中奥
- Who are the cities bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games? 这次申办2008年第29届奥运会的城市共有10个。
- Which city of China is the first one to bid for the Olympic Games? 中国哪个城市最先申办奥运会?
- When did China win the bid for the 29th Olympic Games? 中国何时获得29届奥运会的主办权?
- Bidding for Olympic Game 中奥
- Beijing has unique advantages in the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. 北京申办2008年奥运会具有独特优势。
- Cheers for Olympic Games! China refuels ! 为奥运喝彩!中国加油!
- Let us refuel for Olympic Games. 让我们为奥运加油吧。
- Discussion of Nationalitity of Ad Culture from success in Bidding for olympic Games 2008 从申奥成功再探广告文化的民族性
- At the beginning of the 1980s,Chinese top official Deng Xiaoping said that China should bid for the Olympic Games. 在八十年代初,邓小平同志就表示,中国要申办奥运会。
- At the beginning of the 1980s, Chinese top official Deng Xiaoping said that China should bid for the Olympic Games. 在八十年代初,邓小平同志就表示,中国要申办奥运会。
- Our players represented our motherland to go in for Olympic Games. 我们的运动员是代表着我们的祖国去参加奥运会的。
- Many old houses in Beijing have been torn down for Olympic Games. 北京许多老房子为迎接奥运会已拆。
- Nike is one of the biggest sponsors for Olympic Games. 耐克公司是奥运会的最大的赞助商之一。