- Best Current Practice 当前最好惯例
- This is the current practice throughout the country. 这是全国通行的办法。
- Yet, in current practice, design planning as well as logistics marketing finance have surpassed production and generate much more value. 然而,在现今实际环境中,设计规划与物流市场融资已超逾生产,可创造高得更多的价值。
- Customer: Which sell best currently? 顾客:现在最热销的有哪几款?
- Under what conditions is this more or less effective than the current practice? 与当今的实践相比较,在什么条件下这或多或少有效?
- Current practice is for developers to build the cost of waste into the budget. 现行的做法是开发商把废料的成本算到预算里去。
- It is current practice in human society to regulate benefit with morals. 用道德规范利益,是人类社会一切领域的通行做法。
- The programme covers best current methods for lean at all four levels, and provides hel... 该方案包括最佳方法精益目前在所有四个层次,并提供有益的见解和战略的实施精益企业。
- This is a measure of how well current antivirus technology can keep this threat from spreading. 这测量了当前的反病毒技术能多好的阻止这恶意程序的传播。
- Incidentally, some current practices simply must be changed. 顺便说一下,我们现行的有些做法非改不行。
- The benefits, risks, burdens and effectiveness of a new method should be tested against those of the best current prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods. 一个新医疗方法的益处、危险性、责任、及其效果,应与目前已知最佳的预防、诊断与治疗方法对照检验。
- The older terminologies of Dravidian and Indo-Aryan are not used in current practice because of their racial and dubious origins. 古老的德拉威人和印度雅利安人术语学并不在现行实践中使用,因为他们的人种和可疑的起源。
- EBM refers to the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of the best current evidence in making decisions about the treatment of individual patients. 循证医学就是负责、明确、明智地利用现有的最好证据来决定不同患者的诊治措施。
- Hence, the following discussion is academic as far as current practice is concerned. 因此,下面的讨论就通常实用角度来说是学院式的了。
- This document is merely a disclosure of our current practices. 这份报告只不过是为了披露我们之间的实习(找不准用什么词翻译)。
- Our shout term goal is to definitude our management,dispenses well current human resource,so we can complete the tasks on the World University Games. 近期目标是当前世界大学生运动会任务,进一步明确办队思想,充分调配现有人力资源,优化组合。
- Here, in terms of current practice, a low inflation rate is the more common definition. 以现有的制度而言,比较常见的定义是低通胀。
- The current practice of courts in such situations is that of applying the lex fori. 目前实践中,法庭对这类情况适用法院地法。
- Additionally, current practice and economic pressures force many physicians to reconsider outpatient treatment options. 此外,现行实践以及经济压力迫使许多医生重新考虑选择门诊治疗。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。