- Best Games of All Time! 史上最好游戏!
- Chess is one of the best strategy games of all time. 国际象棋是一种最好的策略游戏的所有时间。
- Raider video game, one of the greatest action adventure games of all time. 软体急先锋强力推荐!!!一定让你值回票价,保证错不了。
- The official mobile game of Hulk Hogan, the greatest wrestler of all time. 官方手机游戏的绿巨人霍根,最大的摔跤运动员的所有时间。
- In one of the greatest games of all time, Bobby Fischer delayed castling until mid-game to stay on the offensive. 在有史以来最伟大的一场比赛中,博比·费西推迟王车易位以保持攻势。
- We are honored to name The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as one of the greatest games of all time. 另外,你注定能得到的新能力也让征服每个地牢之后回报不菲。
- StarCraft II has some big shoes to fill - is there added pressure in developing a follow-up to one of the most beloved games of all time? 万众瞩目,开发这玩意是不是压力很大?
- Many rated him the best singer of all time. 许多人认为他是有史以来最优秀的歌手。
- Barkley is the best rebounder of all time for his height. 巴克利在他的高度上是历史上最出色的篮板王。
- It was considered a scoop of all time. 人们把它看作是一部经久不衰的独家报道。
- They say I am the most shadowy husband of all time. 他们说我总是最典型的陪衬丈夫。
- Red meat, roasts and game of all types. 搭配红肉、烧烤或各种野味十分理想。
- She is the greatest figure skater of all time. 她是古今中外最伟大的花式溜冰选手。
- BTW, Moutombo had hes best game of the year. those clutch putbacks were awesom. 顺便说一下,木大叔打出了他本赛季最好的一场比赛。那关键时候的补篮太精彩了。
- He makes like he's the greatest actor of all time. 他装模作样,仿佛自己是有史以来最棒的演员。
- Mozart was, after all, not a mere purveyor of music but one of the supreme dramatic geniuses of all time. 莫扎特毕竟不仅是作曲家,而且是空前的最大戏剧天才之一。
- What is the largest animal of all time on Earth? 在地球历来出现身躯最大的动物是
- "This team is good enough for us to lose to and we have to understand that and play our best game at all times," said Lamar Odom, who had 13 points and 12 rebounds for the Lakers. “爵士这支球队有足够的实力击败我们,我们必须清楚这一点,必须保证自己始终拿出最好的状态才行,”为湖人队得到13分和12个篮板的拉马尔-奥多姆说。
- What's your favorite movie of all time? 有史以来你最喜欢哪部电影?
- With 18 points and 4 assists, do you believe that you have played your best game of the season so far against Miami? 拿下了18分和4个助攻,你会不会认为对热队的比赛是你开赛以来打得最好的比赛?