- Berberis farrerin. 陇西小檗
- Berberis dictyophylla Franch.var.eprunosa Schneid. 黑石珠
- Studies on HPLC fingerprint of Berberis L. 小檗属植物药材的HPLC指纹图谱研究。
- A study on the genus Berberis L. 中国东部和南部小檗属植物之研究.
- Berberis chilensis Gillies ex Hook. et Arn. var. chilensis 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- This paper introduced the processing of Berberis beverage. 介绍了小檗饮料的生产工艺过程。
- Variation of Alkaloid Contents in Calli Culture of Berberis pruinosa F. 粉叶小檗愈伤组织中生物碱的含量变化。
- This paper deals with the changes of chlamys farreri Nipponensis and Mytius edulis finns textUre and EPN value in frozen storage. 研究了栉孔扇贝和紫贻贝在冻藏时质构和EPN值的变化规律。
- The structure of labial palps of Chlamys farreri and Crassostreagigas were studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 运用石蜡切片和扫描电镜技术研究了栉孔扇贝和太平洋牡蛎的唇瓣结构。
- Microelement -Chromium can enhance the immunity of Chlamys farreri by stimulating and strengthening the vitality of its SOD and CAT. 微量元素铬通过刺激加强栉孔扇贝中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力从而提高栉孔扇贝的免疫力。
- Abstract: The structure of labial palps of Chlamys farreri and Crassostreagigas were studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 文摘:运用石蜡切片和扫描电镜技术研究了栉孔扇贝和太平洋牡蛎的唇瓣结构。
- Abstract: The structure of labial palps of Chlamys farreri and Crassostrea gigas were studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 摘 要: 运用石蜡切片和扫描电镜技术研究了栉孔扇贝和太平洋牡蛎的唇瓣结构。
- Fe is found in the cytoplasm in front of the nucleus of the style-sac, and no Ca exists in alimentary tract of Chlamys farreri. 晶杆囊上皮的核前细胞质中含铁,各部位不含钙。
- Study on cutting techniques of hardwood in Berberis thunbergii DC. F. Atropurpurea Rehd. 紫叶小檗硬枝扦插育苗技术研究。
- Objective: To study the extract technology of alkaloids chemical constituents in Berberis triacanthophora Fedde. 目的:研究芒齿小檗生物碱类化学成分的提取工艺。
- According to the result of acute toxicity test in mice, the Berberis heteropoda Schrenk red pigment had not to... 该色素可作为食用色素开发利用。
- Objective: Extracting nutritional material of Chlamys farreri with water-extraction method, and determining the content of its polysaccharide, taurine and choline. 目的:水提法提取栉孔扇贝中营养物质并测定其多糖、牛磺酸和胆碱的含量。
- ABSTRACT Objective: To optimize the extraction technology of berberine from berberis. 摘要:目的 :优选三颗针中小檗碱的提取工艺。
- The histological aspects of alimentary tract of Chlamys farreri were examined with the light microscopy and histochemical methods, and the functions were discussed initially. 运用石蜡切片法和组织化学方法,对栉孔扇贝的消化管进行了研究。
- The structural and functional aspects of the digestive diverticula of Chlamys farreri were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and histochemical methods. 运用石蜡切片法、透射电镜技术及组织化学方法,对栉孔扇贝的消化盲囊进行了研究。