- Benign hypermobility syndrome 良性高活动度综合征
- If you have hypermobility syndrome you may have the following symptoms. 如果您有hypermobility综合徵您可能有下列症状。
- When the Hypermobility Syndrome was first put on the medical map in 1967, it was defined as the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms (predominantly pain) occurring in otherwise healthy individuals. 当Hypermobility综合徵是首先把医疗地图在1967年,它被界定为在场的肌肉骨骼症状(主要是疼痛)发生在其他健康人。
- Marfan-like hypermobility syndrome 蜘蛛指(趾)样(关节)过度活动综合征
- Marfanoid joint hypermobility syndrome Marfan样关节活动过度综合征
- A benign tumour will not cause you any fatal harm. 良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。
- My mother's character is very benign. 我母亲非常慈祥。
- Is the growth benign or cancerous? 这个肿瘤是良性的还是癌肿性的?
- Early repolarization syndrome:is it always benign? 早期复极综合征总是良性吗?
- The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop. 温和的气候给北美带来大丰收。
- Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群徵是一种现代病。
- Indeed, she calls this “the hypermobility myth”. 她称这个现象为“thehypermobilitymyth”。
- This old man has a benign countenance. 这位老人生得慈眉善目。
- hypermobility syndrome 过度活动综合征
- A benign tumour will not cause you harm. 良性肿瘤不会对你有害。
- The action was so graceful and inclusively benign. 这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- The treatment of benign tumors is extirpative. 良性肿瘤的治疗是摘除。
- A benign tumor will not cause you any fatal harm. 良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。
- Most of these tumors are benign. 此瘤多属良性。