- We deviate from the benchmark portfolio in asset allocation, hoping to achieve better results than sticking to the benchmark allocation meaning essentially doing nothing. 我们容许外汇基金的资产分配偏离基准投资组合,是希望能够取得更高回报。
- In the presenting model of funds performance estimation that based on the normal distribution,the benchmark portfolio is the excess return of stock index. 目前关于证券投资基金表现评价模型是在正态分布假设基础上以股市指数超额收益率为市场基准的评价模型。
- Benchmark portfolio: An assessment of the most efficient passive portfolio strategy the Bank could adopt for each major currency if it decided to abandon its active trading strategy while keeping an average portfolio duration of 12 months. 基准证券投资组合: 指世界银行投资组合战略的一种评价方式,用于当世界银行决定放弃主动交易战略并保持投资组合平均12个月的期限时,确定对每种主要货币可以采取的效率最高的消极投资组合战略。
- My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me. 我的证券经纪人替我管理投资组合。
- The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings. 艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。
- Measurement of strategic policy effect: benchmark portfolios 战略政策效果的衡量:基准组合
- Benchmark Portfolio 基准投资组合
- But India's benchmark was unusually abstemious. 但是印度的贫困基准点有超乎寻常的节食性质。
- Even the benchmark for being ranked dropped. 更甚的是,连进入排名的标准也随之降低了。
- To add margin to(a stock portfolio). 给(一个组合证券)注入保证金
- And that is a good benchmark for us. 这是我们的一个良好尺度。
- But China surpassed even this benchmark last year. 但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。
- My stoker manages my portfolio for me. 我的股票经纪人为我管理股票、证券。
- SPECint95 benchmark suite is used to validate MPTP. 模拟器以SPECint95程序进行基准测试。
- You need to beef up your portfolio. 你需要加强你的业务能力。
- Federal Reserve raised benchmark rate again. 美联储(国联邦储备委员会)次提高基准利率。
- Let's benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. 让我们掂量这些点点滴滴:是的,我注定会死去。
- Ted, I think we need to diversify your portfolio. 特德,我想我们应该让你的投资组合多元化。
- Tonight's match is still a benchmark. 今晚的比赛仍是一次重大考验.
- Capri can be designed for any portfolio. “卡普里”可以为任何有价证券进行专门的设计。