- Bel liked expensive things. 贝尔喜欢昂贵的东西。
- bel liked expensive things 贝尔喜欢昂贵的东西。
- Mr Clarkson lost his job last month.He has no money.But he has an expensive house and an expensive car.He likes expensive things. 克拉克森先生上个月失业了,他没有钱了。可他有一所昂贵的房子和一辆车。他喜欢昂贵的东西。
- It is not popular to give each other expensive things as presents. 一般不互赠昂贵的礼品。
- It isIn addition to the seemingly frivolous, records show that the public funds of use have also been used for things like expensive home improvements. 除了这些看上去琐碎的事物,记录显示,公众基金还被用在诸如昂贵的家庭装修一类事物上。
- Expensive things don't create lasting happiness and security. 昂贵的东西不会带来持久的幸福和安全。
- In a dition addition to the seemingly frivolous, record showed records show that public funds have also been used for things like expensive home improvements. 除了这些表面上无关痛痒的项目,被披露的记录显示公众资金也被用于一些昂贵的消费,如官员的住房改善。
- I spenr mong y on expensive things endlessly;i so the expenditure trends up. 我无休止地花钱买昂贵的东西,所以开支趋向上?。
- I spend money on expensive things endlessly; so the expenditure trends up. 我无休止地花钱买昂贵的东西,所以开支趋向上升。
- Thanks a lot, but you shouldn't have given me such an expensive thing. 非常感谢,不过你真不该这么破费。
- Don't hesitate to splurge on domestic delights that afford long-term pleasure, like expensive cookware, fluffy towels and designer sheets. 别犹豫了,赶紧去买些方便又实用的家庭必需品吧,炊具、巾和床单都会给你带来快乐。
- But expensive things are not inevitabley the province of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice. 但是昂贵的东西并不一定就是富人的专利,除非我们放弃社会选择的力量。
- It's never wise to shop for expensive things, agree to big plans, or sign contracts when Mercury is retrograde. 在水星逆行期间购买贵重物品、赞成重大计划或签订合约从来都不是一个明智的选择。
- But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice. 但是,昂贵的事物并非必定属于富人的范畴,除非我们放弃社会的选择权。
- Don't have to buy expensive things, since they're not neccessery mean to be good, cheap things could be good too. Good is sufficient. 不是一定要买贵的东西。便宜的东西也会有好的。
- Happy birthday, my big nose! You've got all the good and expensive things, cranking my brain and my pocket is empty now, you'd better feel happy! 大鼻子生日快乐!有啥好的、精贵的都掏给你了,我的脑袋和口袋都瘪了,你可要满足哈!
- A new vehicle is often the second most expensive thing you'll ever purchase -- and depreciation can make it even more costly. 一辆新车往往是你所购买的所有商品中第二昂贵的,而货币的贬值则会令买车的经济负担变得更加沉重。
- Analysts told reporters that in the time of economic slowdown, consumers in the western countries tends to buy cheap but acceptable quality stuff instead of expensive things. 分析员告诉了在经济衰退的时期,消费者在西方国家倾向于便宜地买的记者,但是合格的质量材料而不是昂贵的事。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。