- Beijing City Archives 北京市档案馆
- Beijing CITI BEN GS Product Co.Ltd. 北京吉信气弹簧制品有限公司。
- Less than a decade ago, Beijing city was an industrial wasteland. 不到十年前,北京市还是一片工业荒原。
- Beijing City is an independently administered municipal district. 北京是直辖市。
- Chinese Armed Police Forces Beijing City Corps Hospital No. 武警北京总队第三医院。
- A study on characteristics of tree water-consumption in Beijing City. 北京地区常见城市绿化树种蒸腾耗水特性的研究。
- Pupil-sitters are popular in Beijing city in the past summer holiday. 例句在刚刚过去的暑期中,京城陪玩家教市场走俏。
- Beijing City is Constructing the Safe Production System of the Edible Farm Products. 北京市建设食用农产品安全生产体系。
- Manufactory lies in Qinglong Lake County Fangshan District Beijing City China, Main process Yellow Quartzite. 工厂位于中国北京市房山区青龙湖镇,主要生产加工黄木纹石英岩。
- The largest palace of the world, the Forbidden City, is located on the central axis of Beijing city. 世界上最大的皇宫--紫禁城,坐落在京城的中轴线上。
- Results: Nurses in general hospitals of urban field of Beijing city were in a high job burnot state. 北京城区综合性医院护士处于高度职业倦怠状态;情绪衰竭699人;占93.;4%25;去个性化646人;占86
- This article has Construed the formation of the traffic jam in Beijing City,and contributed a solution to this problem. 分析了北京城市交通拥堵的原因,提出了解决这一问题的思路。
- Objective To investigate the disease burden of injury among elderly dweller in community of Beijing city. 摘要目的探讨北京市城市社区老年人伤害发生现状及其疾病负担。
- The lakes in Beijing city and suburb have an important action on the city's ecosys-tem. 北京城市和近郊区的湖泊在城市生态系统中起着重要作用。
- Wang Sifu (1230-1307), also known as Wang Dexin, was a native of Dadu (present-day Beijing City). 王实甫,又叫王德信,大都(今天的北京市)人。
- The northern part presents a lot of history on shelves that are kilometres long: the city archive is one of the biggest of its kind. 修道院的北面是几公里长的书架,市档案馆大部分是按照它的风格建立的。
- The air pollution caused by atmospheric particulates in Beijing city is one of the problems to be solved. 北京市大气颗粒物造成的城市空气污染仍是目前亟待解决的问题之一。
- Is the year, the Beijing city traffic won a less graceful giving them the sobriquet -- road car parks. 也就是这一年,北京的城市交通赢得了一个不太光彩的雅号--马路停车场。
- The model was applied to regional strategic environmental impact assessment on Tongzhou District Beijing City. 应用该模型对北京市通州区进行区域战略环境影响评价。