- Be valid for up to 有效期可达
- Your tickets will be valid for 10 days. 你的车票10天内有效。
- This phenomenon may also be valid for virus-soil interaction. 这种现象对病毒-土壤的相互作用也同样存在。
- The ticket will be valid for at least one month,isn't it? 机票在一个月内都有效,是吗?
- The ticket will be valid for at least one month, isn't it? 机票在一个月内都有效,是吗?
- A single strand lives for up to seven years. 一根头发的寿命可长达7年。
- The equation appears to be valid for a wider range of sedimentary rocks. 这个方程式看来适合于相当大的一部分沉积岩。
- This price list is suitable for up to 49 licenses. 此价格表列出49套软件以内的价格。
- Tigers can live for up to 26 years in the wild. 老虎在野外可以活26年。
- This certificate does not appear to be valid for the selected purpose. 该证书对于所选的目的似乎无效。
- It can waft for up to 13 washes. 这种衣服的香味只有在洗了13次后才会消失。
- We'd like to make the contract to be valid for two year at the beginning. 在初期我们希望此合同能保持两年有效。
- We can cater weddings for up to 80 guests. 我们能为达80位来宾承办婚宴。
- CCNA certifications are valid for three years. CCNA认证的有效期为三年。
- As I am leaving UNC soon, this link may not be valid for long. (由于我即将离开UNC,这个链接可能不会存在太久了。
- These formulas are valid for all attitude work of an ESG. 计算公式适用于静电陀螺仪全姿态工作。
- Sap (Rank 4): Incapacitates the target for up to $d. 闷棍(等级4):将目标打晕最多%24d。
- Allocations would be valid for a period of one calendar year from the opening of the quota import period. 分配量在自配额进口期开始起的一日历年内有效。
- You could be disqualified from driving for up to three years. 你可能会被取消驾驶资格达三年之久。
- The coupons are valid for one year from the date of issue. 有效期为发出日计一年。