- He excused himself for being late by saying that his car had broken down. 他为迟到作辩解,说他的汽车坏了。
- Alex explained that his car had broken down. 亚历克斯解释说他的汽车出了毛病。
- He was driving so fast that his car tyre exploded. 他车开得太快,以致车胎都弄爆了。
- He bragged that his car was the fastest. 他吹牛说他的汽车是最快的。
- Mike: Is that his car behind the Chevy? 迈克:雪佛莱后面是他吗?
- He discovered that his car was being tailed. 他发现他的车后有个尾巴。
- It later emerged that his car will be the lightest on the grid, carrying 16kg less fuel than pole sitter Jenson Button. 后来出现了他的车将是最轻的发车位置,进行一六公斤较少的燃料,杆位获得者比巴顿.
- Be that his car? 那是他的小汽车吗?
- It's no Big deal that his car is more expensivethan mine. 他的车比我的贵有啥了不起。
- It's no Big deal that his car is more expensive than mine. 他的车比我的贵有啥了不起。
- He excused his late arrival by saying that his car had broken down. 他为自己迟到作辩解,说他的汽车坏了。
- What worried him was that his broken key jammed the lock. 让他焦急不安的是折断的钥匙把锁孔给卡住了。
- Kimes'main demand was that his mother not be extraditedto California. 他的唯一要求是他妈妈不被逐出加州。
- Do not excuse his late arrival by saying that his car had broken down . 不要为他来晚了找借口,说是由于车出了故障。
- So vital can the editor's part be that his presence in a firm can be a major factor in attracting authors to it. 编辑在出版社的地位非常重要,并成为出版社吸引作者的主要因素。
- One explanation may be that his offspring appear an underwhelming lot, with no great lust for power. 有一种解释是可能他的后代都不出众,对权力没有大的渴求。
- Don't excuse his late arrival by saying that his car had broken down. 不要为他来晚了找借口,说是由于车出了故障。
- Kimes' main demand was that his mother not be extradited to California. 他的唯一要求是他妈妈不被逐出加州。
- Mr Epp reckons that his car should be allowed on urban streets with speed limits of around 50kph (30mph) or less. 艾普先生还认为王朝公司生产的汽车应该允许在限速50kph(30mph)左右的城市街道上行使。
- His excuse for being late was that his train was delayed. 他晚到的理由是火车晚点了。