- Be exposed to the sun too much 接触阳光过多
- Don't expose your skin to the sun too much. 不要长时间把皮肤暴露在阳光下。
- The man exposed himself too much to the sun. 这个男人饱经日晒。
- Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain. 可怜的约翰处于风雨交加之中。
- "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. 意思好象是:我宁愿承受这样的麻烦,只要它伴随着自由,也不愿忍受不自由?
- New it has been exposed to the light of day. 现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。
- The wires are worn after being exposed to the sun and rain all these years. 电线经过常年风吹日晒,消蚀情况十分严重。
- They had to be exposed to the enemy's gunfire. 他们不得不冒着敌人的炮火。
- The product should be stored in cool and dry place, and avoid being exposed to the sun or freezing or high temperature. 本产品应存放于干燥通风的库房内,避免日光照射或冰冻和高温。
- He is always outdoors on business, and suffers hardships from being exposed to the sun and rain. 他的工作多在户外,长年日晒雨淋的,非常辛苦。
- Thought it ideal that adopting the technology of low salt low temperature solid liquid ferment and semi- finished products to be exposed to the sun. 认为采用"低盐低温固稀发酵"加上后期半成品油"晒制增香"的生产工艺较为理想。
- Kaoru was suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), an illness, which also might be described as the allergy to the sun, and was not allowed to be exposed to sunlight. 雨音薰,一个患有罕见遗传疾病的天真女孩,因为皮肤无法接触阳光,只能过着昼伏夜出的街头演唱生活。
- Our troops were exposed to the enemy fire. 我们的部队暴露于敌人的火力之下。
- The soldiers were exposed to the enemy's gunfire. 士兵受到敌人炮火的袭击。
- Five people died after being exposed to the toxin. 有五人因暴露在该种毒素下死亡。
- Being exposed to sunlight for too much time may do harm to one's skin. 在太阳底下曝晒时间过长会损害人的皮肤。
- These colors will not last if exposed to the sun . 如果暴露于阳光这些颜色,其色彩就不会维持多久的。
- These colors won't last if exposed to the sun. 如果暴露于阳光这些颜色,其色彩就不会维持多久的。
- Now it has been exposed to the light of day. 现在它已经暴露在光天化日之下了。
- One of the reasons why many young students are near-sighted is that they have been exposed to too much TV. 当今许多青年近视的原因之一是他们看电视太多。