- Be dragged down into defeat 被拖败
- I'm afraid the children will all be dragged down to his level. 我看他的孩子也要跟他学坏了。
- Made of glass fibre, the capsule will float on the sea and will not be dragged down by the sinking ship. 救生艇是玻璃钢板制成的,它将漂浮在海上,不会被沉船拖下去。
- The straps of the satchel were dragged down to her hand. 挎包的带子掉在她的手上。
- During the "cultural revolution",when someone got to the top,even his dogs and chickens got there too; likewise,when someone got into trouble,even his distant relatives were dragged down with him. 拿宗法观念来说,“文化大革命”中,一人当官,鸡犬升天,一人倒霉,株连九族,这类情况曾发展到很严重的程度。
- She had to be dragged into seeing the dentist. 要她去牙科医生那里看病非得生拉硬拽不可。
- They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. 梦想可以滋养我们的精神;当我们被现实拖垮的时候,梦想为我们带来希望。
- Truman's popularity, like Mr. Bush's, was dragged down by an unpopular war fought not in Iraq, but in Korea. 杜鲁门的声望,像布什先生一样,被一场不在伊拉克但是在朝鲜的不受欢迎的战争所拖累。
- All day long you ve been dragged down by the negative power, listening to bad stuff, and then repeating this trash in your head. 整天你们都被否定的力量拉下来,听不好的资讯,然后在头脑里一直重复这些垃圾。
- Mr Wang made his comments as BoC disclosed its profits last year were dragged down by a $1.3bn writedown in US subprime- related holdings. 中行昨日批露,美国次贷相关资产的13亿美元减记拖累了去年的利润。
- It is a sobering reflection indeed to consider to what this body has been dragged down, if we are obliged today to contemplate an attack on Zionism. 我们不妨冷静思考一下,如果我们现在要考虑如何去攻击锡安主义,这会将联合国贬低到一种什么水平?
- Eyes--The eyes are deeply sunk in the orbits, the lids assuming a lozenge or diamond shape, in consequence of the lower lids being dragged down and everted by the heavy flews. 眼睛:眼睛深深陷入眼窝中,眼睑呈菱形或钻石形,结果是下眼睑外翻,象上唇一样下垂。
- It is not hard to see demand growth being dragged down at the start of next year by a planned rise in value-added tax in Germany and budgetary tightening in Italy. 并不难看见明年初需求增长将会由于德国增值税的计划上升以及意大利的紧缩预算而下降。
- Just as America's growth has been dragged down since 2006 by falling residential investment, so Britain is now suffering a sharp contraction in homebuilding. 就像2006年美国经济因零售业的衰落而下滑一样,英国现在正经历着房地产业的剧烈收缩。
- Germany's defeat was bound to drag down Japan. 德国的溃败势必要拖垮日本。
- Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. 水可以分解为氢和氧。
- The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool. 船被漩涡吞没了。
- Last month, AOL Timer Warner Chief Operating Officer Bob Pittman regigned, amid criticism that AOL Time Warner's traditional media division, led by Time Warner, were being dragged down by the underperformance of AOL. 美国线上时代华纳的营运长毕普特上个月于各界指控美国线上时代华纳集团旗下由时代华纳领军的传统媒体部门已遭营运表现不佳的美国线上拖累的批评声浪中,黯然辞职下台。
- Production was dragged down by a sharp decline in steel, automobiles, fertilizers and cement -- the main drivers of the robust industrial growth the country enjoyed in recent years. 工业产值主要受钢铁、汽车、化肥和水泥的明显衰退连累,这些领域是俄罗斯过去几年工业强劲增长的主要推动力。
- She nestle down into the big sofa and begin to enjoy music. 他舒服地坐进大沙发,开始欣赏音乐。