- I was there with that battalion of the 31st. 我当时在第31步兵团的那个营里。
- Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. 听上去好像足以应付一整支坦克装甲师。
- A whole battalion of soldiers surrounded us in a tight ring. 整个军队把我们紧紧地包围在包围圈中。
- Methods Literatures of MELD applied in LT were analyzed retrospectively. 方法回顾性分析MELD在肝移植应用中的有关文献。
- A battalion of Nassau, seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there. 纳索的一营兵,七百人,在那里遭到了歼灭。
- That afternoon I inspected the student battalion of St. John's University. 那天下午,我检阅了圣约翰大学的学生队伍。
- In the competition for customers, time and money is on the side of the big battalions of chain-stores and supermarkets. 在争相招徕顾客的竞争中,时机和钱财都掌握在拥有连锁商中和超级市场的大财团手里。
- Addition of other objective parameters may increase the predictive ability of MELD. 增加其它客观参数可能会增强MELD的预测能力。
- That afternoon I inspected the student battalion of St John's University. 那天下午,我检阅了圣约翰大学的学生队伍。
- Jack: Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. 听上去好像足以应付一整支坦克装甲师。
- Will he make you all officers over a regiment or a battalion of soldiers? 他能立你们各人作千夫长、作百夫长吗?
- Stugs equipped the Assault Gun Battalion of the Finish Armored Division. 突击炮装备了芬兰装甲师的突击炮旅.
- Background/ AIMS: Serum sodium predicts prognosis in cirrhosis and may improve the prognostic accuracy of MELD score, but the available information is limited. 背景和目的:血清钠水平能预测肝硬化预后,或许还能增加MELD评分的预测准确性,但现有的资料有限。
- Background/ AIMS: Serum sodium predicts prognosis in cirrhosis and may improe the prognostic accuracy of MELD score, but the aailable information is limited. 背景和目的:血清钠水平能预测肝硬化预后,或许还能增加MELD评分的预测准确性,但现有的资料有限。
- Further challenges include improving outcomes by maximizing donor-recipient matching and improving the predictive abilities of MELD for short-term mortality. 进一步的挑战包括改善捐助者与接受者最优化匹配的结果以及提高MELD对于短期死亡率的预测能力。
- This battalion is composed of 800 soldiers. 这个营是由八百个人组成的。
- During the course of the Second World War, 6 heavy artillery battalions of fortification were also created. 在第二次世界大战的进程中,也组建了6个要塞的重型炮兵营。
- The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery. 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。
- When the MELD score was greater than 20, the complications of portal hypertensions presented more significantly than that of MELD score less than 20, and the survival time and rate were significantly decreased (P=0.000). 当MELD值>20时;门脉高压并发症的发生率明显高于<20组;患者生存时间和生存率明显下降;P=0·000。
- A battalion of bulletproof vehicles speeds around the dusty streets of Costa Rica. 防弹汽车车队在尘土飞扬的哥斯达黎加街道上飞奔。