- Bath to bath transport time 槽间输送时间
- Injected vaccinal. In case how to bathe to do? 注射了疫苗.;万一洗澡了怎么办?
- Our suppliers have removed to Bath. 我们的供应厂商已迁往巴斯。
- From the water bath to bath shops and then to Korea homes, which were foreign media for human ablution evaluation of the three changes. 从清水浴到桑拿浴再到丽舍浴,这被国外媒体评价为人类沐浴的三次变革。
- He went into the bath to take a shower. 他进浴室去洗淋浴。
- The little dog whimpered when I tried to bath it. 我给小狗洗澡时,它低声悲嗥。
- The little dog whimpered when I tried to bathe its wounds. 当我想给那小狗清洗伤口时它悲嗥起来。
- You have your little girl to bath and put to bed. 你得给你的小女孩洗个澡,然后让她上床睡觉。
- The carriage progressed to Bath at a gentle speed. 马车慢慢驶向贝斯。
- Take a warm bath to soothe tense, tired muscles. 洗个热水澡,让紧张疲劳的肌肉放松一下。
- He was expected to shave and to bath. 要求他刮刮脸,洗个澡。
- Can dew use all bath to wash a face? 是不是所有的沐浴露可以用来洗脸?
- It looks as if it isn't clean enough to bathe here. 看起来海水好像不干净,不能游泳。
- It's your turn to bath the baby. 轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。
- He was expected to shave, expected to bath. 大家认为他应该刮胡子洗澡。
- He took some time to bathe in short stories. 他花了些时间沉浸在短篇小说里。
- This river is dangerous to bathe in. 在这河里游泳危险。
- He had a cold bath to clean his mind,and then go back to wok again. 他冲了个冷水浴来恢复精神(清醒一下头脑);然后又继续回去工作了.
- The carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days. 这辆马车只要两天就能从伦敦赶到巴斯。