- Batched health examination 批量体检
- Is It Reasonable to Use X-ray Fluoroscopy in Routine Health Examination? X射线荧光透视用于常规体检是否合理?
- Health examination reports for each person included in the application. 所有申请人的体检结果报告。
- Occupational health examination plays an important role in occupational diseases control and prevention. 职业健康检查是职业病防制工作的一项重要内容。
- A total of 56 patients were selected as health control group who did health examination in the same time. 并设健康对照组56例,为同期健康查体者。
- I have a health examination of the unmarried kindergarener every year.And my parents pretect me carefully. 我每年做一次幼师健康体检,我的父母对我也是百般呵护。
- They require regular health examinations for school children. 他们规定为学童定期作体格检查。
- In an ultrasonic wave health examination for stomachache, a unclear swelling near liver is found in this examination. 后记:和医生检查过检验结果;他轻描淡写的说著:这是良性的什麽类型肿瘤.
- Methods Mouth carity Doctors investigated with the questionaire through health examination . 方法口腔保健医师采用提问填表法进行调查。
- Availability of transportation was the main facto r influencing the choice of premarital health examination location. 选择检查医疗院所之因素主要为地理之方便性(离家或工作场所近的地点);
- Methods A stratified random sampling was conducted among inhabitants with questionnaire and partial health examination in Yunlong district, Xuzhou. 方法采用整群随机抽样方法,通过问卷进行社区居民健康调查,并对部分居民进行体检。
- Objective To propose the nursing tactics by analyzing 26 cases of syncope while taking blood in physical health examination. 目的通过对26例健康体检者抽血晕针原因进行分析,并提出护理对策。
- Methods:The stature,avoirdupois and circumference of the primary school students by health examination were compared between 1992 and 2000. 方法:以身高、体重、胸围为参考参数,对比1992-2000年学生体检体质状况资料。
- Should better let doctor carry on the health examination to you, then chooses one easily to carry on not untoward effect exercise intensity. 最好让医生给你进行一下身体检查,然后选择一个容易进行又无不良反应的锻炼强度。
- The staff are really helpful and nice, they make 2 appointments for me at Gannet, one is for alcohol education and one is for health examination. 虽然我没能加入这个项目,但康奈尔还有许多许多类似的项目。
- The second batch of sugar is better than the first. 第二批制成的糖比第一批好。
- Fail to arrange the occupational health examination, fail to establish the occupational health record or fail to faithfully inform the laborer concerned of the examination result. 未按照规定组织职业健康检查、建立职业健康监护档案或者未将检查结果如实告知劳动者的。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- The occupational health examination should be conducted by the healthcare agencies approved by the public health authority under the province-above people's government. 职业健康检查应当由省级以上人民政府卫生行政部门批准的医疗卫生机构承担。
- The accountant sign a batch of cheque. 会计签发的一批支票。