- Batch Mission Queue 批量任务队列
- The queue of prisoners shuffled towards the door. 那队囚犯拖着沉重的步子向门口蹭去。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- Please keep me a place in the queue. 排队时请给我占个位置。
- The second batch of sugar is better than the first. 第二批制成的糖比第一批好。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- The accountant sign a batch of cheque. 会计签发的一批支票。
- We were at the tail of the bus queue. 我们立在公车候车队伍的末尾。
- Of course, it was an unprecedented mission. 当然有,这可是一项空前的任务呢。
- The queue shuffled forward slowly. 排长队的人拖著脚步往前蹭。
- The doctor works at the mission. 那医生在贫民教区工作。
- My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars. 我的私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。
- They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。
- His mission bristled with difficulties. 他的使命困难重重。
- To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 说实话,这一使命非我能力所及。
- The squadron flew a reconnaissance mission. 该空军中队执行一侦察任务。
- Come and queue up, children, let's go to the theater. 孩子们,来排好队,让我们去戏院吧。
- A batch of mail dispatched at one time by a sender. 由邮递员同时分送的一批邮件