- Basilica di San Pietro 罗马圣彼得大堂
- When talking about Basilica di San Marco people usually think about that beautiful church in Venice. 当提到圣马可教堂时,大部分的人都会直觉反应是在威尼斯的美丽教堂;其实,由于教堂本来就都是以圣人的名字来命名,因此,米兰也有个圣马可教堂就不那麽地奇怪了。
- Residenza San Pietro Sopra Le Acque : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- Hotel Certosa Di San Giacomo : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
- This is Baldacchino, built in year 1624, right over San Pietro's tomb. 这是圣体伞(Baldacchino),建于1624年,位于圣彼得坟墓的上方。
- A lot of people kissed the old man's foot. Haha, this is San Pietro's bronze statue. 我发现很多人摸模和亲吻这个老人家的脚。哈哈,这个就是圣彼得的铜雕像。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Castel San Pietro Terme - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Castel San Pietro Terme 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Meteo_San_Marino Previsioni del Centro Meteorologico di San Marino con webcam e dati on line. 搜海提供空间科学和空间信息科学方面的专业图书资料查询和购买服务.
- Food, faith, and folk art merge as Sicilians prepare their tavola di San Giuseppe, their “Saint Joseph’s tables. 西西里人所操办的圣约瑟宴席将食物、宗教信仰和民间艺术融合在一起。
- After two wins, Mario Beretta was not too bothered with the goalless draw against Castel San Pietro and did not feel it was step backwards in pre-season preparation. 在两个胜利后,贝雷塔没有对对阵卡斯特尔.;圣
- The first modern bank was founded in Italy in Genoa in 1406, its name was Banco di San Giorgio (Bank of St.George). 银行是一个金融机构,其主要活动是为客户作支付代理人和借贷款。
- Comune di San Nicola Baronia - Sito ufficiale del comune irpino, con informazioni istituzionali e storiche. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Il San Pietro - This is the best place to stay around Positano, from a luxury perspective.The price is higher, but you have access to a private beach and bar. 约翰内斯堡面积约269平方公里,是南非最大城市和经济中心,也是世界上最大的产金中心。
- Felloni says the archival discoveries he has made will overturn this negative portrayal of the Banco di San Giorgio. 费罗尼表示,他在档案中的发现将推翻圣乔治银行的负面形象。
- The Venetian artist Tintoretto depicts Moses' face as radiating light, in his series about the life of the prophet in the Scuola di San Rocco. 威尼斯艺术家丁陶来陀在圣洛可学校的一系列先知中,把摩西画成脸上散发着光芒。
- In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was “a hugely important institution, there is no doubt”. 在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。
- On that rainy day in Genoa, he led me down several dark corridors in the warehouse where the bulk of the Banco di San Giorgio's archive is stored. 热那亚的那个雨天,他把我带入了仓库的几个黑暗走道中,这里收藏着圣乔治银行的大部分档案。
- Prodotti di stile europeo di San Valentino doni, in miniatura, bonsai, quotata al paese nordico, che la famiglia inserito trascorso, i prodotti sono stati venduti in tutto il mondo. 北欧田园系列的挂牌、花插,产品已销世界各地。
- He sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu. 他从旧金山乘坐轮船去檀香山。
- This is the western facade of the Basilica San Marco. 这就是圣马克大教堂的西面。