- Basic elements of visual forms 视觉造型基础元素
- A book that covers the basic elements of a subject. 入门书,初学者读本关于某一主题的基本要素的书
- Contains the basic elements of a management object. 包含管理对象的基本元素。
- What are the basic elements of a rings routine? 吊环规定动作的基本组成是什么?
- Oxygen is one of the basic elements of substance. 氧是物质的基本元素之一。
- Is the basic element of any JXTA network. 是任何JXTA网络的基本元素。
- Space is the basic element of display design. 空间是展示设计中的基本要素。
- The basic element of time is an event. Everything is an event. 时间的基本要素是事件,每件事都是一个事件。
- Serving and volleying are the basic elements of the game. 但是这个项目是用手打球。
- In Taylor's picture, the eddy is the basic element of turbulence. 在泰勒的描述里,旋涡是湍流的基本要素。
- Graphics A broad term used to refer to the studies of visual forms such as the creation and management of picture. 广义的指研究视觉形像的科学,例如图形的创造和管理。
- The painter upheld original creation and devalued painting ability.In the artistic expression, the transcendence of visual form is embodied. 其审美标准崇逸贬能,在艺术表现手法上体现了对视觉形式的超越。
- But Zoroastrian priests and elders now use the Faravahar as a visual tool to illustrate the basic elements of the religion, especially when they are teaching children. 但是,琐罗亚斯德教的祭司和长者现在使用法拉瓦哈作为一种视觉工具去阐明宗教的基本要素,尤其是当他们在教导小孩的时候。
- Those that survive are basic elements of our vocabulary, and they usually form a large part of any English sentence. 那些存留下来的就是我们现今词汇中基本的部分,它们通常组成任何英语句子的很大部分。
- The modern artist just pares it down to the basic elements of shape and color. 现代艺术只是把它削弱到形状和颜色的基本素材。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小学教师使用大量的视觉教具。
- Its aim is defending the siesta as a "basic element of Mediterranean culture. 协会还在努力使午睡成为“地中海文化的一个基本组成部分”。
- Stress is the rhythm constituting the basic element of music melody. 有韵律的节拍是组成乐律的基本要素。
- A device that gives information in a visual form, as on a screen. 显示器,指示器一种以视觉方式显示信息的装置,如荧光屏显示
- Isn't type merely the representable visual form of message? 对我而言,字体的择选、排版便是一幅作品的美感所在。