- The social structure has changed beyond recognition. 社会结构已变得面目全非,今非昔比。
- Basic Social Structure 社会基本结构
- "Nudity is a threat to the basic social contract. “裸露是对基本社会契约的一种威胁。
- Intergenerational relation is a basic relation and an organic constituent of social structure coexisting with human beings. 代际关系是伴随着人类的产生而存在的,是人类社会的一种最基本的关系,是社会结构的有机构成部分。
- Changes in social structure may indirectlyjuvenile crime rates. 社会结构中的变化会间接影响少年犯罪率。
- Social Structure of the Cities in Contemporary China II. 当代中国城市社会结构现状与趋势2。
- Indeed, marmot social structure actively encourages inbreeding. 诚然,土拨鼠的社会结构积极地鼓励着近亲交配。
- If your basic social skills are weak, your dating skills will be sabotaged. 如果你基本的社交技巧很薄弱,约会技巧将难以充分发挥作用。
- Discuss the relationship between ritual and social structure. 论述宗教仪式与社会结构的联系。
- Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move. 这些变化能改变社会结构,导致人口迁移。
- Second,a rapidly growing population,and the low level of education,public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- But the English social structure was not thoroughly shaken by these changes. 但是 ,这些变化并未从根本上动摇英国的社会结构。
- The social structure of traditional Hinduism is slowly crumbling in the cities. 印度教传统社会结构在城市慢慢地崩溃。
- To encourage students to interact with others and establish basic social skills. 鼓励学生与别人互相交往及建立基本沟通礼仪。
- It's production is certainly the result of certa inly social structure. 其产生是中国几千年大一统封建社会结构的必然产物。
- Second, a rapidly growing population, and the low level of education, public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect juvenile crime rates. 社会结构的变化也会间接影响青少年犯罪率。
- Noll points out that the odds of success improve with better basic social skills. 诺尔指出,使用一些较好的社交技巧将会使成功的几率大大提高。
- Labor relation is the most basic social relation of the modern society, without it there will be not social harmony. 摘要劳动关系是现代社会最基本的社会关系,没有劳动关系的和谐就没有社会的和谐。
- The contradictions between productive forces and the relations of production and between economic base and superstructure constitute the basic social contradiction. 生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾,构成社会的基本矛盾。