- Basic Literal Automatic Coding 基本文字自动编码
- These features are known as Automatic Code Generation features. 这些功能称为自动代码生成功能。
- A vulnerability involving the handling of downloads that can lead to automatic code execution. 一种涉及下载操作的漏洞,它可能导致自动的代码执行。
- Automatic coding would appear to contradict our original insistence that the activity of human interpretation must not be eliminated. 自动编码与我们原初对人类诠释不能省略的坚持相违背。
- The degrees of automation being used today in MDD vary from deriving simple skeleton code to generating complete automatic code which is comparable to traditional compilation. 与传统的编码相比较,目前在MDD中使用自动化操作的程度不同于从简单框架代码到完全自动的产生代码。
- The parallelization of serial program is mainly made up of parallel identification, data and computation decomposition, dependence relation analysis and automatic code generation. 摘要着重论述了串行程序并行化过程中的数据收集部分代码的自动生成。
- There are many benefits to migrating your Web application to ASP.NET 2.0, including improved markup and code separation, reserved application folders, and automatic code compilation. 将Web应用程序迁移到ASP.;NET 2
- Based on the automatic code generation software--Targetlink supplied by dSPACE Company, and combined with MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform the software development and automatic generated production code of embedded control system were achieved. 采用dSPACE公司提供的Targetlink自动代码生成工具,与MATLAB/Simulink软件配合,实现了嵌入式系统控制软件代码开发及自动生成。
- So a model of a prototype CASE tool supporting design patterns based on LePUS is proposed. This tool supports automatic code generation, and more importantly, this tool can be extended through adding new patterns. 为此,以LePUS语言为基础,提出了一个支持设计模式的CASE工具原型模型,该工具支持设计模式代码框架的自动生成,更重要的是该工具可以通过加入新的设计模式而得以扩展。
- Abstract The parallelization of serial program is mainly made up of parallel identification, data and computation decomposition, dependence relation analysis and automatic code generation. 摘要着重论述了串行程序并行化过程中的数据收集部分代码的自动生成。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- Let me enlarge on this basic theme. 让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。
- Let's examine into the basic mechanism involved. 让我们把有关的基本结构搞搞清楚。
- program for automatic coding technique 自动编码技术用的程序
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- Arithmetic Automatic Coding System 运算自动编码系统
- Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。
- Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen. 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。
- The basic theme of these stories never varies. 这些故事的基本主题永远不变。
- BASIC is the language most programmers learn first. BASIC是大多数程序编制者首先学习的语言。