- Base Support Element 基地支援分队
- The central supporting element of a whole. 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则
- The reason that the insulation resistance becomes low for the ZnO arrester s base support is briefly analyzed. 简要分析了氧化锌避雷器底座支持小瓷瓶绝缘电阻下降的产生原因,并介绍了一种简便的处理方法。
- Analysts say the "Village Guards" militia is the key support element for the Turkish army in its war against the PKK. 分析人员称,村庄卫队军事组织是与库尔德工人党的战争中土耳其军队的主要支撑力量。
- The second polymeric resin materials impregnates the structure of the base support structure, rendering it impermeable to oil and water. 第二聚合树脂材料浸渍基本支承结构并使它不透油和水。
- Base support for scaling has been moved to the ContainerControl class so that forms, native composite controls and user controls all receive uniform scaling support. 对缩放的基本支持已经移到ContainerControl类,这样窗体、本机复合控件和用户控件都会获得统一的缩放支持。
- Support Elements now have a small chance of acquiring Flamethrowers or Navy Corpsmen. 支援的海军陆战队中有很小的几率会出现喷火兵或者海军医务兵。
- Metal supporting elements gurantee overload protection. 金属的支架能保证过载保护。
- Where poor production exists, growth in important agriculturally based support industries is prevented. 在生产落后的地区,以农业为基础的重要支柱工业的发展就会受到阻碍。
- An open CNC system with two CPUs in paralld, in which the center is PMAC motion controller and the supporting element is industrial PC, is suggested. 提出了一种以PMAC运动控制器为控制系统核心、工业控制机为系统支撑单元的双CPU开放式数控系统。
- AIDS P.E.I. - Community based support group located in Charlottetown. Includes information about the organization, current projects, and events. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- In optimum active and valve-controlled active schemes, the airspring which is used as the secondary supporting element is used also as an active actuator. 在最优控制和阀控主动控制策略中,空气弹簧既被用作二系悬挂元件,又被用作控制执行元件。
- CVN 21 will provide the United States the capability to quickly project combat power anywhere in the world, independent of land based support. 有了CVN-21航母,美军就有能力在任何需要的时候将战斗力量输送至世界任何一个地方实施作战计划,而不需要陆地支持。
- Air Force Reserve Regions Base Support Group 空军后备队地区基援队
- JCSE Joint Communications Support Element 联合通信系统支持单元
- C.steel sleeve: in case based on process request, if the length is more than 30m, the steel base support could be used through chief tube forepart &removed as repeated usage purpose. C.;钢套管 套管为钢制套管时,根据施工工艺要求,若套管长度大于30米,主管穿越前端可使用钢制托管支撑,当穿越主管出套管后,托管支撑拆掉后可供重复使用。
- LSEC Logistical Support Element Communications 后勤支持单元通信
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- Zhang GY, Fang BS, A uniform design based support vector machine model for predicting optimum temperature in G/11 xylanase, Process biochemistry, Accepted, in revision. 张光亚,方柏山,基于二肽组成识别嗜热和常温蛋白的研究,生物工程学报,2006;22(2):293-298.
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。