- Use Fugl - Meyer Index to assess the motor function, use Barthel index to assess ADL. 运动功能 Fugl-Meyer评分;日常生活活动(ADL)用Barthel指数评分.
- The European Stroke Scale(ESS)and Barthel Index(BI)were used to evaluate the recovery of neurological functions. 采用欧洲脑卒中量表(ESS)和Barthel指数(BI)评价神经功能恢复状况。
- To study the prognostication of the functional change by Barthel index (BI) in the patients with stroke before and after treatment. 目的 :探讨Barthel指数 (bi)对脑卒中患者治疗前后功能状态改变的预测效果。
- Mental status was assessed in MMSE, depression in MMADD, moter function in BRSS, ADL in Barthel Index(BI) and neruodefect in its defect degree. 评定方法 抑郁状态用MMADD、认知功能用MMSE、运动功能用Brunnstrome恢复阶段、日常生活活动能力(ADL)用Barthel指数、神经功能缺损用临床神经功能缺损程度评分.
- The Barthel Index (BI) and Stoke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM) were used as standard measures for ADL and motor function. 以巴氏日常生活量表和中风复健动作评估量表作为评估患者日常生活活动和动作功能的测量工具。
- The Barthel Index (BI) and Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (STREAM) were used as standard measures for ADL and motor function. 以巴氏日常生活量表和中风复健动作评估量表作为评估患者日常生活活动和动作功能的测量工具。
- The nerve function deficit score was evaluated before treatment, and the routine life ability (Barthel index) was evaluated at discharge, and week 12. 降纤酶治疗组21例,对照组13例。在应用降纤酶治疗前进行神经功能缺损评分。
- Measurements included personal demographic data, the Barthel Index, Self-Concept Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. 测量工具包括个人基本属性、巴氏日常生活功能量表、自我概念量表与贝氏忧郁量表。
- Before and after treatment,the two groups were assessed by the Fugl-Meyer assessment(FMA) and modified Barthel index(MBI),and clinical efficacy was compared in two groups. 治疗前后对2组临床疗效进行比较,采用Fugl-Meyer评定法(FMA)对运动功能进行评分,采用改良Barthel指数(MBI)对日常生活活动能力(ADL)进行评分。
- The results showed that CVA patients scored significantly lower than normal group in the areas of self concept and activities of daily flying (Barthel Index). 研究结果显示,病患组在自我概念、自我照顾之得分较正常组低,且具统计学上有意义之差异;
- The Barthel Index (BI) and Clinical Neural Impairment Measures Scale (NIM) were applied to assess patients at the beginning of enrollment, and the end of the 5th and 17th month. 于入组时、第5个月末和17个月末应用巴氏指数(BI)、临床神经功能缺损评分量表(NIM)中关于肩、臂运动及手运动的评定对两组患者进行评定。
- Measures used include Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status, Barthel Index, Symptom Distress Scale, the caregiving tasks scale, and the caregiver burden scale. 立意取样110位癌末病患之居家照顾者,以问卷收集资料,问卷内容包括功能状态评分表、症状困扰量表、照顾工作量表及照顾负荷量表。
- This is highly correlated with the upper extremity and arm stabillity subtests of Barthel index (R = 0. 70, R = 0. 84, P<0. 01). It is also highly correlated with WHO classification and Brunnstrom classification (R= -0. 95, R = 0. 89, P<0. 01). 与Barthal指数有关上肢功能的项目和手臂稳定度等测量有较高的相关(R=0.;70;R=0
- SIAS-M was highly correlated with FMA(r>0.914),Brunstrom (r>0.701),Barthel Index(r>0.704),FIM(r>0.702) in corresponding items(P<0.001) ; plots and longitudinal study showed SIAS-M absorbed the Merits of MMT and Brunstrom perfectly. SIAS_M的内部一致性良好 ;Cronbacha系数为0.;84(n=77); SIAS -M相应各项与FMA运动项;Brunstrom、Barthel指数、FIM步行项高度相关 (相关系数分别为0
- The Barthel indexes of the MHT group 30 days were higher than the control group (P<0.05). Barthel指数比较第30天治疗组明显高于对照组(P<0.;05);
- In patients with post stroke hemiplegia, FTSST was significantly correlated with BBS(r=-0.873, P<0.01) , FM-B (r=-0.826,P<0.01) Barthel Index(r=-0.740,P<0.01) and walking speed(r=-0.876,P<0.01). 实验组患者中5次坐立试验时间与BBS评定、FM-B评定、Barthel指数及步行速度之间的相关系数分别为-0.;873(P<0
- Barthel index and FIM score were all improved after the rehabilitation therapy in both of the two groups, but the improvements were more significant in early rehabilitation group (P<0.01). 治疗后患者的Barthel指数评分及FIM评分均有显著提高(P<0.;05):治疗组Barthel指数提高了39
- Method 62 patients with stroke were measured motor control deficits in the ipsilesional upper extremity and ADL by Manual Function Test(MFT) and Barthel Index(BI) before treatment and after three months. 方法62例脑卒中偏瘫患者分别在治疗前和治疗3个月后对健侧上肢进行上肢功能检查(manual function test;MFT);用巴塞尔指数(Barthel Index;BI)评测患者的ADL.
- Methods56 old patients with stroke were rehabilitated by the therapy of Bobath,Brunnstrom,Rood,PNF and psychotherapy for 3 months. The Modified Barthel Index (MBI) was applied to measure ADL before and after treatment. 方法对 5 6例老年脑卒中患者综合使用Bobath疗法、Brunnstrom疗法、Rood疗法、本体感神经肌肉促进疗法及心理疗法等技术对其进行 3个月的康复 ,用修订的Barthel指数 (MBI)评定治疗前后日常生活活动能力。
- Patients in the treatment group were also given Xiaoyao powder. Scores of Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), modified Barthel index (MBI) and Scandinavian Stroke Scale (SSS) of all patients were evaluated before and after therapy. 治疗前后采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、改良Barthel指数(MBI)、斯堪的纳维亚卒中量表(SSS)对患者进行评定,比较两组的疗效。