- Baring High Yield Bond Fund 霸菱高收益债券基金
- The US Dollar High Yield Bond Fund seeks to maximise total return. 美林美元高孽息债券基金以尽量提高总回报为目标。
- Battery Park High Yield Bond Fund 巴特·帕克高收益债券基金
- High Yield Bond Fund Euro A 高收益债券基金欧元
- High Yield Bond Fund USD A 高收益债券基金美元
- High yield Bond funds 高收益债券基金
- High yield bonds weak as equities fall sharply. 由于股市大幅下跌,高收益债券表现疲弱。
- Securities issued in the context of high yield bond financings are often complex in nature, and, because they are below investment grade, involve a high degree of risk. 在高回报债券资本市场环境中发行的证券通常都具有复杂性特点,并且因为它们低于投资级别因而会带有高度风险性。
- High yield bonds marginally outperform government bonds. 高收益債券略為跑贏政府債券。
- These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year. 这些果树今年获得了大丰收。
- By the analysis of the historical return of macro hedge fund, this paper points out that this kind of fund may gain high profit, as well as baring high risk. 通过对全球宏观对冲基金的历史收益率的分析发现,此类对冲基金在很有可能获得高收益的同时,必须冒很高的风险,冒高风险的概率和获得高收益的几率相等。
- I think bond fund is better than index fund for the moment, right? 我认为,目前,债券基金应该比指数基金更有优势,对吗?
- The EMEAP Asian Bond Fund is the first such regional effort. 亚洲债券基金是亚洲区首个类似的项目。
- The apple trees gave a high yield last quarter. 上个季度苹果产量很高。
- Capital Guarantee Vs High Yield? 资本保证对高息票据?
- High yield cultivation technology of Pyrus L. 梨树丰产栽培技术。
- In my opinion, bond fund is a high risk finacial product in our equity market.Index fund will be more popular in the future. 我个人认为,目前我国证券市场上,债券基金将是一个高风险的金融产品。而指数基金将来可能会更具市场潜力。
- The trees gave a high yield this year. 这棵果树今年生产的产量高。
- The default risk in a broadly-based municipals bond fund is negligible. 投资广泛的市政债券基金的违约风险基本可以忽略不计。
- Very marginal in?ows into US high yield funds. 流入美国高收益基金的资金相当少。