- MICs were determined by an agar dilution method. MIC测定采用琼脂稀释法。
- Aqua, Hashima, Sucrosum, Agar Agar. 水,冰糖,雪蛤,琼脂。
- Agar is very light and delicious for summer. 大菜丝清凉可口,是夏令佳品。
- Agar is complex polysaccharide, extracted from red algae. 琼脂是一种从红藻中提取的复杂的多糖。
- Tryptone Soya Agar Supplemented with 1% (w/v) sodium chloride. 配方仅作参考,根据实际情况做相应调整。
- In essence it was a global agar plate waiting to be inoculated. 实际上,地球是一个等待接种的球形培养基。
- Results Rabbit hepatocytes grown well on agar scaffold. 结果兔肝细胞能够在琼脂支架上生长。
- Smolen VF, Barile RG, Theophanous TG.Relationship between dose, effect, time and biophasic drug levels[J]. 沈明勤;叶其正;常复蓉.;陈皮水溶性总生物碱的升压作用量-效关系及药动学研究[J]
- Kirby Bauer agar diffusion method was used to judge drug sensitivity. 用 Kirby- Bauer琼脂扩散法作药敏试验。
- Ifusing broth contained 0.15% agar as a diluent,vir-ulence incrased 40 times. 琼脂肉水和粘液素均能提高毒力40倍以上,琼脂肉水更有利于菌株毒力的稳定;
- Agar gels are extensively used for growing microorganisms and tissue cultures. 现在广泛应用于组织培养和微生物培养。
- The colony forming efficincy in soft agar increased with the passaging. 软琼脂克隆形成率随着照后传代次数的增加而明显增高;
- Michelle Barile, the mother of six-year-old Bryan Ruda, said nothing in the Parma Community School handbook prohibits Mohawks. 六岁大的布莱恩.鲁达的母亲蜜雪.芭瑞儿说,帕马社区学校的手册上并未提到禁止学生理鸡冠头;
- The colony was pinpoint-shaped and greyish white after 24h on sheepblood agar. 氧化酶、触酶、尿素酶均阳性,不分解糖类。
- The influence of two valence metal on gel strength of agar is remarkable. 二价金属元素的存在对琼脂的凝胶强度影响最为显著。
- Inside Nancy Barile's high school classroom in Revere, Massachusetts, students focus intently on writing their own suspense stories. 在南西.;巴瑞尔于麻萨诸塞州瑞威尔市的高中课堂上,学生都聚精会神地撰写自己的悬疑小说。
- Kora Y, Yaguchi S, Inatomi M, et al. Preferred postoperative refraction after cataract surgery for high myopia[J]. J Cataract Refract Surg,1995,21(1):35-38. 高度轴性近视白内障术后屈光状态与生存质量的关系由800论文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!
- Ruda's hair became a disruption late last month when Ruda arrived freshly shorn, Geyer said. Administrators called Barile telling her to pick Ruda up from school. 盖尔校长说,鲁达上个月底刚理发时,他的发型引起一场骚动;校务人员致电芭瑞儿请她把小孩接回家。
- Rather than request a hearing to appeal the suspension, Barile said she'll enroll him at another school. Changing the hairstyle is not an option, she said. 芭瑞儿说她宁可让小孩转学,也不要召开听证会上诉休学处分;她说,我们不会换发型。
- The virulent strains had a polysaccharide capsule and formed smooth colonies on agar medium. 有毒菌株具有多糖荚膜它在琼脂培养基上形成光滑的菌落。