- Barbus walkerin. 瓦氏鲃(鲤科)
- The ryegrass smut caused by Tilletia walkeri L. 黑麦草腥黑粉病菌(Tilletia walkeri L.
- Any of various Old World freshwater fishes of the genus Barbus or Puntius and related genera. 一种东半球鲃属或须鲃属及有关科属的淡水鱼类。
- Any of several Old World freshwater fish of the genus Barbus, especially B. barbus, having four barbels on its upper jaw. 鲃鱼一种东半球鲃属淡水鱼类,尤指上颚处有四条触须的鲃鱼
- Epioblasma walkeri [brown-blossom pearly mussel] 瓦氏前?蚌
- Rearing and Breeding of Cherry Barb Barbus titteya 樱桃鱼的饲养和繁育
- Barbus capito conocephalus kessler 大鳞鲃
- Identification of Tilletia walkeri from imported ryegrass seeds 进境黑麦草种子中黑麦草腥黑粉菌的鉴定
- Detection for single teliospore of Tilletia indica and Tilletia walkeri 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌和黑麦草腥黑穗病菌的单孢检测
- any of several Old World freshwater fish of the genus Barbus,especially B. barbus,having four barbels on its upper jaw 鲃鱼,一种东半球鲃属淡水鱼类,尤指上颚处有四条触须的鲃鱼
- any of various Old World freshwater fishes of the genus Barbus or Puntius and related genera 鲤科小鱼一种东半球鲃属或须鲃属及有关科属的淡水鱼类
- Measurement and Analysis on the Features of the Morphology of Barbus capito conocephalus kessler 大鳞鲃形态特征测量与分析
- Lamproptera curia walkerin. 燕凤蝶华南亚种
- Erronea walkerin. 紫口拟枣贝
- Aphyosemion walkerin. 瓦氏琴尾鳉(鳉科)
- Nyctophilus walkerin. 澳北长耳蝠
- Oesophagostomum walkeri 沃克食管口线虫
- Ainsliaea walkerin. 华南兔儿风
- Anopheles walkeri 步行者按蚊
- Barbus aruliusn. 三线鲃(鲤科)