- Barbecued gourd in honey;hot candied doughnut 蜜汁葫芦
- Is the amino acid in honey acidity? 蜂蜜中的氨基酸是酸性的吗?
- Pork took the gourd in one hand and Gerald's arm in the other. 波克一手提着葫芦,一手挽着杰拉尔德。
- It is better to be preserved in vinegar than to rot in honey. 与其纵人世之欲而丧失身体与灵魂,不如受人世之苦而使心灵得以得救。
- When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. 射出真理的箭,先在蜜里蘸。
- Using refined giantarum starch as clarifier in Honey wine. 用魔芋精粉作为蜂蜜酒的澄清剂,其作用明显优于其他的澄清剂。
- She specializes in honey bees; This plumber specialized in jacuzzis. 她专门研究蜜蜂;这个管道工人专门研究浴缸。
- The dried corn cobs and bottle gourd in the sunny winter day. The classic scenery of northern countryside. 客栈门前晾晒的葫芦和玉米棒子,映着雪后的晴空,一排经典的北方农村景象。
- He planted a white-flowered gourd in this field. It was said that when it grew up, it will have white flowers. 他在这片地里种了瓠子,据说长大后会开白花。
- Her skin was fresh and golden as though she had been dipped in honey. 她娇嫩白晰的皮肤,好象在蜜糖中泡过一样,光彩照人。
- The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey predominate over everything else. 烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。
- Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe. 在这个食谱中,可用蜂蜜代替食糖。
- A farmer because this pair of extreme of every towel gourd in grow a string of 1 head of a gravelstone, make towel gourd grow so that grow again continuously again, sell a good price. 消费者买丝瓜,挑挑拣拣,要直的、要长的。一位农民因此对在生长中的每根丝瓜的末端吊一块小石头,促使丝瓜长得又直又长,卖得个好价钱。
- Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt. 自然存在于蜂蜜和水果中的果糖,被广泛用于从饮料到酸奶的各种食品中。
- Experts say the _ varroa_mite _ is at least partly responsible for the earlier decrease in honey bees. 专家说蜂螨对蜜蜂早期的数量减少至少有部分责任的,这种螨虫是一种很小的生物,寄生在蜜蜂上。
- His speciality is barbecued steaks. 烤牛排是他的拿手好菜。
- To determine the content of Chloramphenicol(CAP) in honey using stable isotope dilution technique. 建立稳定同位素稀释技术测定蜂蜜中氯霉素(CAP)分析方法。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- Inhaling the odors of sesame mixed in honey decreases the excessive wateriness of the eyes. 吸入气味芝麻混合在蜂蜜跌幅过度潮湿的眼睛。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。