- Moreover, as a local eco-environmental problem, huge amounts of tailings from Baotou steel plant produce serious harm to the local people. 此外,包钢尾矿坝作为一个局部性的生态问题,对包头市民产生重大的影响,对其周围的居民身体健康造成严重危害。
- Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Unicom Co., Ltd. 内蒙古包钢钢联股份有限公司。
- How to Restore and Construct the Natural Ecological Environment in the Area of Tail Dam of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢尾矿库区域自然生态环境的恢复与建设。
- The kite 's tail trailed in the air. 那只风筝的尾巴拖在空中。
- It is naughty of you to pull the cat' s tail. 你真淘气,竟然拉猫尾巴。
- Key Control Points in Supply Chain of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢供应链所应注意的几个关键控制点。
- Study and Practice on 265 m~2 Sinter Machine of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢265m~2烧结机工序优化研究及生产实践
- This creature' s tail will regenerate if it' s cut off. 这动物的尾巴割掉会再长的。
- MES Primary Application in the First Steel-making Plant of Baotou Steel Co. MES在包钢一炼钢的初步应用。
- Practice and Thought on Arranging Extra Workers of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢安置富余职工管理实践与思考。
- Study on Application of Annular Gap Scrubber for BF No.5 Of Baotou Steel Co. 环缝洗涤工艺在包钢5%23高炉煤气清洗中的应用。
- Study and Practice on 8 m~2 Pellet Shaft Furnace of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢8m~2竖炉球团达产攻关的研究与实践
- Analysis of the Cooling Condition on No.4 Blast Furnace of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢4%23高炉冷却状况分析。
- The resulting picture would be a monster. i.e. peacock‘s tail, snake‘s head, elephant feet, bat‘s wings, etc. 最后出来的画像可能是个怪物,比如:孔雀的尾翼、蛇的头、大象的脚、蝙蝠的翅,等等。
- How to Guarantee Engineering Quality of the Pitch Roads in Production Area of Baotou Steel Co. 如何保证包钢厂区沥青路的工程质量。
- Technical Research Improving the Finished Product Rate of the High Speed Wire of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢高线提高成材率的对策。
- Research on Production and Technology of Clean - steel in the First Steel- making Plant of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢一炼钢洁净钢生产技术开发。
- The cat' s tail lashed a bout. 猫尾巴猛力地甩动。
- Research on the Reforming Technology of Small Billet Caster of Baotou Steel Corp. 包钢小方坯连铸机改造工艺研究。
- Study on the Efficiency of Sulphur Elimination and Fluorine Elimination of High-basicity Sinter of Baotou Steel Co. 包钢高碱度烧结矿脱硫、脱氟的试验研究。