- Banking English - Bank Deposit 银行英语口语-存款
- A bank deposit which withdrawals can be made without notice. 无需通知即可取款的银行储蓄。
- My option change will be:100% AUS Bank Deposit Fund. 所以我的投资选择将会继续是:100%25澳元存款基金.
- Now, you referred to escrow accounts and bank deposit slips. 现在,你们需要出示第三方账户 和银行押金单
- Payments can be made by credit card, bank deposit express only. 付款方式可有以下几种:信用卡,银行直接转账。
- Me:my parents. would you like to see the bank deposit records? 这里我犯了一个错误,就是没有提我的奖学金。我想当然认为他能看到。
- Please attach your Bank Deposit Slip on the blank area. 请空白处贴上银行存款通知书。
- My option change will be: 100% AUS Bank Deposit Fund. 我的投资选择:100%25澳元存款基金.
- Banking English - Interest on Deposit 银行英语口语-储蓄存款利息
- How to Defend Depositors'Rights after Their Bank Deposit Being Falsely Claimed? 储蓄存款被冒领后的相关法律问题探析?
- Against market expectation, bank deposit and lending rates remained unchanged. 与市场预期相反,银行存款和贷款利率保持不变。
- The lion's share is in bog-standard bank deposits. 大部分的钱是待在账户上无所作为。
- According to the above analyses of stylistic features, chapter three will discuss the translation skills of Banking English and it should be mentioned that this paper focuses on the English to Chinese translation. 然后将进入到银行英语这一特殊用途英语的翻译研究中,先找到对银行英语比较适用的翻译原则,在严复的翻译原则的理论基础上,刘重德修正为“信”,“达”,“切”,觉得用此原则更适合银行英语的翻译,但其中最重要的是“信”。
- In 1933, the parliament of U.S.A established FDIC, who can secure banking deposit reached USD25 million high. 1933年,美国国会成立了联邦储蓄保险公司(FDIC),如今它能保障高达25万美元的银行存款。
- Cash shall include but not be limited to banknote, coin, bank deposit, bank draft and traveler' check. 现金包括但不仅仅限于纸钞、硬币、银行存款、银行汇票和旅行支票。
- Cash shall include but not be limited to banknote,coin,bank deposit,bank draft and traveler'check. 现金包括但不仅仅限于纸钞、硬币、银行存款、银行汇票和旅行支票。
- Banking English - Currency Exchange 银行英语口语-兑换货币
- Banking English - Foreign Exchange Rate 银行英语口语-外汇率
- Reconciliation between bank journal accounts with actual bank deposit, prepare adjust report of bank deposit. 银行日记帐与银行对帐单的核对,并编制银行余额调节表。
- Bank deposit slips are helpful, but they often show very large sums but do not show where the money has come from. 银行存款单非常有帮助,但它们通常只能证明非常大的一笔存款,不能证明资金的来源。