- Bambusicola thoracican. 灰胸竹鸡
- Reviews of Studies on Isolation and Culture of Shiraia bambusicola Henn. 竹黄的分离培养研究进展。
- The content of protein in Shiraia Bambusicola is lower than those in Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus eryn... 总碳水化合物低于银耳和黑木耳、高于香菇和杏鲍菇。
- Objective To obtain anamorphosis of Shiraia bambusicola producing the component,hypocrellin A effectively. 目的获得能稳定产生竹红菌素的竹黄无性型菌株,通过人工培育获得其活性成分竹红菌甲素。
- The extraction of red pigment from Shiraia bambusicola Henn.and its stability were studied. 从苦竹花中提取的天然红色素是一种安全无毒的食用色素。
- Objective To study the effects of Tongluofangji on the antioxidative system and aorta thoracica endothelia in diatetic rats. 目的初步研究通络方剂对糖尿病大鼠体内抗氧化系统的影响及对血管内皮的保护作用。
- Bamboo partridge (Bambusicola) sister to junglefowls (Gallus), which was found in some researches. 雉族的原鸡属与鹑族的竹鸡属有很近的亲缘关系;
- So it was a new species.Alternoaria bambusicola sp.nov.was proposed for the fungus. 寄主为华西箭竹,故立为竹链格孢新种。
- There was no significant change in MDA.The lesions of aorta thoracica endothelia in Tongluofangji group were significantly relieved than positive group(P<0.05). 电镜下观察到通络方剂干预组较阳性对照组大鼠内皮细胞损害有较明显减轻。
- Results The pigment is proved to be hypocrellin A.The isolate was determined as the stable anamorphosis strain 0258 of S. bambusicola. 结果从竹黄子实体分离筛选到一株无性型菌株0258,其能产生稳定的竹红菌甲素。
- The total quantity of Perylene quinonoids in Hypocrella bambusae(B.et Br.)Sacc.,Shiraia bambusicola P.Henn and culture substance of Ascomycetes Hypocreacae(Fr)Tul. 用分光光度法测定了竹红菌、竹黄和菌寄生菌培养物中艹北醌类化合物的总量;
- Gastrolina depressa thoracica eats specially leaves of Juglans mandshurica and happens 1 generation per year in Liaoning province, and lives through the winter in litters in the forms of imagoes. 核桃楸扁叶甲专食核桃楸树叶片,在辽宁省1年发生1代,以成虫在地被物中越冬。
- Three strains of filamentous fungus which could produce anthraquinone were isolated and purified from the sporophores of Shiraia bambusicola, they were AJ, CA, YX. 此外,还从竹黄子座中分离和筛选出三株可产生蒽醌类物质的菌株,分别为AJ菌株、CA菌株、YX菌株。
- Abstract: Hypocrellin is an important bioactive compound of Shiraia bambusicola P.Henn.It has a wide application prospect, in the fields of medicine, food, agriculture etc. 文章摘要: 竹黄因其主要活性成分竹红茵素在医药、食品及农业领域的广泛应用前景而日渐受到广大研究者的关注。
- Using acetone as extraction agent,Hypocrellin A is seperated and purified from Shiraia bambusicola by acid-alkaline precipatation combined with Soxhlet extraction. 以丙酮作为提取剂,采用索氏提取法与酸碱沉淀法相结合,从竹黄中分离、纯化竹红菌甲素。
- This paper reviews on the current situation of biological features, isolation and determination of anamorph, culture condition on solid media and in liquid of Shiraia bambusicola. 本文综述了竹黄的生物学性状、无性型的分离、及固体和液体培养的研究现状。
- This paper reviews on the current situation of biological features,isolation and determination of anamorph,culture condition on solid media and in liquid of Shiraia bambusicola. 本文综述了竹黄的生物学性状、无性型的分离、及固体和液体培养的研究现状。
- Results The vascular supply of the primary brea st cancer,recurred tumor and metastatic lymph node came from lateral thoracic ar tery, thoracodorsal artery and internal thoracica artery. 结果乳腺癌原发灶、转移淋巴结及复发病灶,均有多支动脉供血,其中胸外侧动脉、胸背动脉及内乳动脉是最常见的供血动脉。
- One of the pure chemical compounds isolated from the stroma of wild S. bambusicola was studied on the basis of UV/VIS, IR, MS spectrometric analysis and physicochemical constants. 对其发酵产物进行提取、分离和纯化,通过理化性质测定和波谱(UV/VIS、IR、MS)技术进行结构鉴定。
- The results show that the contents of moisture, ash and total sugar in Shiraia Bambusicola are lower, and the contents of fat, mannitol and free amino acids are abundant. 蛋白质含量低于香菇和杏鲍菇,高于银耳和黑木耳。