- Bamboo Grove Hotel - Suzhou 苏州竹辉饭店
- Deluxe Room Ramada Plaza Bamboo Grove Hotel Reservation 豪华间,苏州竹辉饭店预订
- They can also sleep in the bamboo grove. 还可以竹中睡呢。
- Flickering sunshine in bamboo grove. 阳光在竹叶的摇曳中闪烁。
- I often recall that warm bamboo grove. 我常常回想起那片温暖的竹林。
- Driving a bamboo coach in the bamboo grove? That's interesting. 竹林子里开竹车,挺有意思。
- The second chapter discusses Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. 第二章论述竹林七贤。
- Hoopoe in a Secluded Bamboo Grove by Zhao Mengfu(1254-1322)of the Yuan Dynasty. 幽篁一枝自右下斜伸左上,用笔如削铁般有力而无丝毫燥气,真正写出了竹的“韧性”。
- How is one going to have a plot of grass or a well or a bamboo grove even if he is rich e-nough to rent a penthouse? 纵使他有钱租得起摩天楼上的厢房,他怎么能够得到一片草地,一口井,或一个竹丛呢?
- Designers use bamboo grove decorations and special lighting effects, the living room and remodeled public art thick galleries. 设计师利用竹林装饰和特别灯光效果,把客厅改装成艺术气息浓厚的画廊。
- Facing the Purple Bamboo Grove is Chao'Yin'Dong or Pounding Waves Cave whose pecular rock formation makes it echo like thunder when the tide rushes in with the winds. 紫竹林前,是“潮音洞”。 此洞造形奇特,潮水借着风势,奔入洞中时,会发出雷鸣般的响声;
- Descending the mountain path to the left of the Cloud Valley Temple and going through the bamboo grove, tourists can watch the Nine Dragon Falls four kilometers away. 顺云谷寺左边的山路往下走,穿过竹林,就可望见四公里远处的九瀑。
- The result indicated that, the panda summer stresses the choice coniferous forest, the bamboo grove, the winter likes in the brush, the foliage forest moving. 结果表明,大熊猫夏季偏重选择针叶林、竹林,冬季喜欢在灌丛、阔叶林中活动。
- Sunlight, filtering through the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind, projected glittering spots of light on the ground. The Bamboo Grove thus took on a charming new look. 整理过后的竹林,显得更为明亮清爽,阳光透过随风摇曳的竹梢,洒落了一地斑驳的光点,呈现出崭新的面貌。
- In front of our campus has a luxuriant the bamboo grove, it is sending out the dissimilar charm in the different season, is unfolding the dissimilar elegant demeanor to us.... 我们校园前面有一片郁郁苍苍的竹林,它在不同的季节散发着不一样的魅力,向我们展现着不一样的风采。...
- Handicraft techniques reached unprecedented heights during the Ching dynasty. In this carving of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove" each figure appears individual and lifelike. 清代的手工艺技术,达到前所未有的颠峰,竹子纹深质坚,雕人最难,但此中竹林七贤,却个个传神。
- Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。
- The seven sages of bamboo grove was the leader of the gentlemen, but its members guite differed from one another on thoughts, political choices and the end of lives. 当时仕林领袖是竹林七贤,七人虽属一个团体,但却在思想倾向、政治选择、人生归宿等方面有着巨大的差异。
- If you have had the bamboo grove virtuous gentleman or the good friend complex, that might as well borrows the gracefulness which the water experiences gives up affectation. 如果您一直有着竹林贤士或高山流水的情结,那不妨借水来体验一下返璞归真的优雅。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。