- May BDI (Baltic Dry Index) of the strong pick-up, two by increasing the formation and control of transport demand to boost freight capacity is also important to push the hand. 5月BDI(波罗的海干散货指数)的强劲回升,两拓通过增加运输需求和控制运力来拉高运费也是重要推手。
- Baltic Dry Index integrated freight (BDI) last Wednesday in the Journal this year, the last trading 774 points, down 10 points, or 1.3 percent for the full year fell by a total of 92%. 波罗的海乾散货综合运费指数(BDI)在上周三的今年最后一个交易日报774点,下跌10点,跌幅为1.;3%25,全年总计下跌92%25。
- Meanwhile the Baltic Dry Index, an indicator of shipping activity, has risen more than sixfold from its December low. 与此同时,反映海运频繁程度的波罗的海干货指数,已比其十二月低点提升了六倍有余。
- The Baltic Dry Index, which tracks shipping costs for commodities, thereby providing an indicator of demand for shipping, seems to be disappearing. 波罗的海散装船指数,对于商品的航运成本统计,提供了航运要求的指数,似乎消失了。
- Since the recession bit hard last autumn a lot of attention has been paid to the plunge in the Baltic Dry Index, a composite measure of the cost of shipping bulk cargoes such as iron ore and coal. 去年秋季,经济衰退给世界经济打击甚大,很多人关注到波罗的海干散货运价指数一路跳水,该指数是对散装货物的船运运输费用进行的复合测量,散货如铁矿石、煤等。
- The modeling of Baltic Dry Index by Time Series 波罗的海干散货运价指数时间序列建模
- Baltic dry index (BDI) 波罗的海干散货运价指数
- Forecasting the Baltic dry index using neural networks 基于神经网络技术的干散货运价指数预测
- It is understood by the global economic data to improve the impact of Baltic Dry Freight Index (BDI) in early 2009 by climbing 773 points on June 3 to a maximum of 4291 points, an increase of 4 times. 据了解,受全球经济数据向好影响,波罗的海干散货运价指数(BDI)由2009年初的773点攀升到6月3日最高的4291点,增长4倍之多。
- Volatility of Baltic dry index 波罗的海运价指数波动研究
- baltic dry index 波罗的海运价指数
- freight movements on the sea with the role of scale BDI (Baltic Dry Freight Index Integrated) rose to 4,000 points before big points, but a week ago, only the BDI also remain in the vicinity of 3000 . 对海运费走势具有标尺作用的BDI(波罗的海干散货综合运价指数)日前大涨至4000点关口,而一周前的BDI还只停留在3000点附近。
- Evolution Mechanism for Baltic Dry Cargo Freight Rate Index 波罗的海干散货运价指数演变机理
- The first reason of dryness index variation is the rainfall change, the second is the chang of accumulated temperature. 造成干燥度变化的主要原因是降水量的变化,其次是积温的变化。
- To introduce GIS into dry index evaluation systems can combine figures with datum expediently and adequately in order to express datum with geological figurer," information adequately. 把G工S引入关中灌区干早评价指标体系中,可方便地将图形数据与属性数据有机结合起来,充分表达数据的地理图形信息,使两种数据的管理在同一操作平台即可完成。
- A cruiser is cruising in the Baltic Sea. 一艘巡洋舰正游弋在波罗的海。
- The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic. 该舰队正在波罗的海演习。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- Baltic Bulk (BDI) index rose again yesterday to reduce the rate to 0.97 percent, to close at 836. 波罗散货(BDI)指数上涨幅度昨日再次缩减为0.;97%25;收于836。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。