- Balsting Demolition 爆破拆除
- A high-explosive bomb used for demolition purposes. 爆破力强的炸弹用于破坏目的的烈性爆弹
- Demolition work has begun on the old building. 那座旧房子的拆除工作业已开始。
- There was a perfect rage for demolition. 这简直是一场疯狂的破坏。
- The factory is already marked down for demolition. 这家工厂已登记在案,准备拆除。
- The house was rescued from demolition. 这所房子保住了,可以不拆。
- Scope: House demolition. House demolition. 经营范围:房屋拆迁。
- Preparations for the demolition are all in order. 爆破准备就绪。
- Scope: Housing demolition. Housing demolition. 经营范围:房屋拆除。
- One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing. 这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。
- Engineers frantically cut every demolition wire they could find. 工兵们急忙切断他们所能找到的一切地雷的引线。
- Relating to heavy industry, construction, or demolition. 需要戴安全帽的与重工业、建筑或爆破有关的
- Dense star clusters are a veritable demolition derby. 稠密的星团里,简直就像在上演一场爆破大赛。
- The council has slapped a demolition order on that old building. 该市政会草率地发出了拆毁那栋旧建筑的命令。
- All the forces of the people -- for the demolition of the enemy! 以我们人民的一切力量--彻底消灭敌人!
- The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago. 这些房子在五年前就确定要拆除了。
- That included a14-9 demolition of the Angels on Friday. 其中还包括了礼拜五那一场洋基以14比9大胜天使。
- The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition. 整排房子均列入拆除计划。
- They were deceived into buying a house that was scheduled for demolition. 他们受骗上当,买下了那幢已规划要拆除的房子。
- The experimental study on the techmique of longhole balsting in Tonglushan copper-iron mine is summed up in this paper. 本文总结了深孔爆破技术在铜绿山铜铁矿的试验研究情况。