- Instead, England joined Serbia from Group B in the semi-finals after beating the Balkan nation 2-0 in Nijmengen. 相反,英格兰和塞尔维亚一起进入了半决赛,他们在比赛中2-0战胜了这个巴尔干半岛的国家。
- The fledgling Balkan nation of some two million unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in February 2008. 有大约200万人口的科索沃于2008年2月单方面宣布从塞尔维亚独立。
- Two Balkan nations that have completed that process -- Albania and Croatia -- will get formal invitations to join the alliance at the Bucharest summit. 俄罗斯强烈反对把格鲁吉亚和乌克兰这两个前苏联加盟共和国纳入北约。
- The European Union and five West Balkan nations sign nine agreements on visa facilitation and consider a visa-free system for the near future. 欧盟与五个西巴尔干半岛国家签订九项简化签证的协议,以及考虑将来免签证的可能性。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
- Australia is an English speaking nation. 澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy. 他已经激发了全民的同情。
- Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield. 我国的男儿已战死疆场。
- In doing so, he did a great service to the nation. 通过这样做,他给国家做了一件大好事。
- The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war. 国家征召所有壮丁参战。
- That socialistic nation pay homage to the previous premier. 那个社会主义国家向前任首相表达敬意。
- It is our nation's mortification. 这是我们国家的耻辱。
- He is accredit to the united nation. 他被任命为联合国大使。
- Boris Balkan: You must see her again. 鲍里斯巴尔坎:你必须再去见她。
- Boris Balkan: Try the lunch break. 鲍里斯巴尔坎:午饭的时候试试。
- Is it possible to unify such scattered islands into a nation? 有可能把这样一些散落在大海上的岛屿统一成一个国家吗?
- More about separate Balkan realities. 更多关于巴尔干半岛分裂的事实。
- Class differences can divide a nation. 阶级差异会造成国家的分裂。