- Using the new balanced growth path equation, the author proves that Acre are both positive and negative effects of population aging on economic growth; 利用新经济平衡增长路径方程,证明了老龄化对经济增长在理论上存在着正负两方面的作用效应;
- Balanced Growth Path 平衡增长路径
- the balanced growth path 平衡增长路径
- Balanced growth of cities and the economy. 平衡城市和经济的成长。
- You are striving for a balanced growth in your trading equity curve over time. 你努力让你的账户资金随着时间增长。
- Endogenous growth theory believes that economy tends to converge to its stable state or its equilibrium growth path. 新古典经济增长理论认为经济向自己的稳态或平衡增长路径收敛。
- Bush said the economy needs a boost now to lift it on to a more vigorous growth path and urged quick action. 布什总统则称需要改善经济以使之步入更有活力的发展道路,他催促国会尽快拿出行动来。
- Lasting economic and trade co-operation between China and the United States requires sustainable and balanced growth in bilateral trade. 中美贸易的持续均衡发展,是两国之间长期经济贸易合作的需要。
- This activity is to the Microsoft this team ability approval, is onthe Microsoft growth path milestone. 本次活动是对微软这个团队能力的认可,是微软成长道路上的里程碑。
- And balanced growth, stable exchange rates, steady and competitive interest rates and low inflation. 企业需要持续平衡的发展、稳定的汇率、稳固和有竞争力的利率以及低通货膨胀。
- The model also shows that the growth path can be complex and uncertain because of the complementarity. 由于各个经济增长要素“协同”地作用于经济增长,经济增长路径可能是不确定和复杂的。
- Now let's jointly create social ecosystem of common prosperity and balanced growth. 让我们携手创造共生共荣、和谐成长的社会生态圈;
- Analysts said the market needed to broaden its customer base and diversify its products to achieve balanced growth. 分析师表示,该市场需要拓宽客户基础,并使其产品多样化,以取得平衡增长。
- Comprehensive tax reform is needed in Germany to spur investment and to create new jobs, thus putting the economy on a higher growth path. 综合税收改革在德国是十分必要的,这可以刺激投资,增加就业,从而把德国经济纳入高速增长的轨道。
- We must now work together to ensure strong, stable and balanced growth in the future. 现在我们必须共同努力,以确保未来强劲、稳定和平衡的增长。
- Often, it is like the wind, remind your gentleness petting, let you so comfortable, It is such a beautiful music, the growth path... 每每想起,它如一阵风,温柔抚摸着你,让你如此惬意;
- When you see that steady balanced growth, you'll know you've developed the mindset necessary to be trader. 当你看到账户稳定均衡的增长时,你会知道你已经拥有了成为一名交易者所必须的心态。
- On your growth path,we curved our own stature,spreads an incomparably hard path for you.Let your each step be all powerful. 在你们成长的道路上,我们弯下自己的身躯,为你们铺出一条无比坚硬的道路,让你们每一步都铿锵有力。
- APEC members must forge a partnership of common interests to produce strong and balanced growth among our economies. APEC成员必须建立一个共同利益的伙伴关系,以在我们的经济体中产生强劲、平衡的增长。
- All three are cross-platform, and each serves as a basis for an XSLT library implementation, which give you a growth path once you ve satisfied your basic XML needs. 这三者都是跨平台的,每一种都充当XSLT库实现的基础,一旦满足了基本XML需要之后,它就会给您一条成长途径。