- Balance of forest resource 森林资源平衡
- To encourage full utilization of forest resources. 鼓励充分利用森林资源
- Protection area of forest resources. 保护辖区森林资源等。
- Forest resource assets evaluation and capitalization management are important contents of forest financial reformation. 森林资源资产评估以及森林资源资产化管理是林业财务体制改革的重要内容。
- To Adjust the Structure of Forest Industry Is the Key to Protect Nat-ural Forest Resource in Our Province. 调整森工产业结构是保护我省天然林资源的关键
- Management of forest resource information is the core of forestry information management. 森林资源信息管理是林业信息管理的核心。
- Lastly, the dynamic appraisement system of forest resource assets property tights should be set up as soon as possible. 建立森林资源资产产权制度的动态评价体系。
- Value theory for measuring value of forest resources. 森林资源货币计量中的价值论基础。
- Note: Data of forest resources was taken from surveys in 2000. 注:林木资源数据为2000年调查数。
- Econometrics and forest resource evaluation methods are adopted to decide the environmental and timber benefit functions of forest ages. 运用计量经济分析和森林资源价值评价方法获得案例点水源涵养林木材效益、环境效益关于林龄的函数。
- The account have a credit balance of£1,000. 这个帐户有余额1000英镑。
- Tree extractives occupied the main part of plant extracts, and play an important role in the continuable and efficient utilization of forest resource. 摘要树木提取物在植物提取物中占据了主要地位。树木提取物的开发利用是森林资源可持续高效利用的一个重要组成部分。
- Presently, the studies of carbon stock and carbon balance of forest ecosystem have already been reported frequently in China and abroad, but the study of factors of influencing carbon stock and carbon sequestration of the forest is reported a fat lot. 目前国内对森林生态系统碳库与碳平衡的研究已有不少报道,但对森林碳库与碳吸存的影响因素的研究很少。
- The balance of terror have replace the balance of power. 恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。
- Fourthly, we should a establish the new-style managerial system of forest resource assets property tights which is acclimatized to market economy. 重新对森林资源资产产权进行科学和系统的界定;
- The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。
- He owns a large tract of forest. 他拥有一大片森林。
- This painting has a pleasing balance of shapes and colours. 这幅画在构图和色彩方面都十分谐调。
- In the system, the foundation is the standardization of data, the key point is the development and application of forest resource management and management system at county level, and the core is the building of plat form of information exchange. 数据标准化建设是基础,县级森林资源管理应用系统开发与应用是重点,信息交换平台建设是核心。
- Sixthly, the compensation system of forest resource assets should ke estabhshed, lastly, the dynamic appraisement system of forest resource assets property rights should be set up as soon as possible. 建立森林资源资产产权制度的动态评价体系。