- Baiyu loquat 白玉枇杷
- Is most precious by Baiyu and the topaz. 以白玉和黄玉最贵重。
- Can loquat eat together with honey? 枇杷可以跟蜂蜜一起吃吗?
- Does loquat honey have why action? 枇杷蜂蜜有何作用?
- He brought a box of loquat fruits for me. 他还带了一盒枇杷给我,
- Baiyu,rock singer,is the lead vocal of XiaoMing is a Robot. 流浪摇滚歌手,“小民是个机器人”乐队主唱。
- A Primary Study on a Loquat Pest, Linda Nigrascutata Ampliata Pu. 枇杷赤瘤筒天牛广斑亚种研究初报
- Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine. 枇杷有很多营养,且可以做成药。
- Loquat besides treat a cold, what effect to still have? 枇杷除了治感冒,还有什么功效吗?
- This is the Baiyu Mountain, the highest point in the urban area of Lushun. 这里就是旅顺口城区的最高点白玉山了
- To give more people a doggerel: loquat is not the lute, was poor literacy. 更有人借此赋得打油诗:枇杷不是此琵琶,只怨当年识字差。
- Baiyu the Internet, is Dangdang co-president Li Guoqing of the reasons for the failure of Bertelsmann another judge. 败于互联网,是当当网联合总裁李国庆对贝塔斯曼失败原因的另一个判断。
- Luhe River is the first grade branch of Wuding River, originate from Baiyu coteau, Jingbian County and go through the city. 芦河是无定河一级支流,发源于靖边县白于山区,并穿城而过。
- When they get up Guci, Liu Baiyu bent on the entrance to the hospital, he tightly holding the hand of Ba Jin, has repeatedly said. 由于有些患者不能正确对待自己的病情,没有及时得到正确的治疗,甚至有些病人私自乱用激素类药物,贻误了治疗。
- They planted orange and loquat trees around the house, and peach and plum trees on the bank of the stream. 茅屋外边种上了橘子枇杷,河边上还种了桃子和李子。
- Baiyu Temple in the morning makes people fill with hope as if you are a newborn baby.Thoughts in this kind of beam is a piece of blankness. 而早上的白玉寺让人充满希望,仿佛自己是初生的婴儿,思想在这样的光线中是一片空白。
- The variety mainly has: Baiyu, cotton rose ruby, emerald, green Baiyu, amethyst, topaz, Moyu and varicolored jade and so on. 品种主要有:白玉,芙蓉红玉、绿 玉、绿白玉、紫玉、黄玉、、墨玉及杂色玉等。
- Application of Silkworm Cocoons for Storage of Loquat Fruit Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. 蚕茧在枇杷保鲜中的应用研究。
- White marble high-quality goods bridge parapet, stone carving guard rail, arched bridge parapet, bridge guard rail. Grass Baiyu guard rail, parapet. 汉白玉精品小桥栏杆,石雕护栏,拱桥栏杆,大桥护栏。草白玉护栏,栏杆。
- A procedure had been studied on cryopresrvation of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) pollen by the method of dry freezing. 摘要采用花粉干冻法对枇杷花粉超低温保存进行了研究。