- Baixi in Song Dynasty 宋代百戏
- Jiao Zhi, which is called Annam in Song Dynasty. 安南,即古交趾,宋朝时始称安南。
- LIU Fang was famous pediatrist in Song dynasty. 刘昉为宋代著名的儿科学家。
- Why Was It Hard for Mid-High Women to Marry in Song Dynasty? 宋代中上层女子为何难嫁?
- Among the poets in Song Dynasty, Su Shi is the highest in poetic achievement. 摘要宋代诗人中,成就最高的当属苏轼。
- In Song Dynasty,people failed in trying to forbid the custom of cremate. 宋代火葬习俗屡禁不止,火葬与反火葬之争其实质是挑战与维护“华夷之辨”观念的一个缩影。
- The control of emperor's power to judicatory is very tight in Song dynasty. 摘要宋代皇权对司法的控制非常严密。
- The Sus' literature family which regards Su Shi as a representative has certain representativeness in Song dynasty. 摘要以苏轼为代表的苏氏文学家庭,在宋代具有一定的代表性。
- As a result of the joint influence of Confucianism and cremate ideas of Buddhism and minority in Song Dynasty,the challenge side won the debate. 这是作为“华夷之辨”观念维护者的宋代儒家学说影响力式微,而作为挑战一方的佛教和少数民族丧葬观念强势影响中原文化,以及宋代特殊的时代特征交织作用的结果。
- Zhang zai reconstructs Confucianism values from the vision of neo-Confucianism in Song dynasty. 摘要张载以独特的理学视角,对儒学价值观进行了重构。
- It has presented its unique art elegant demeanour in image of Buddha carving aspect in Song Dynasty. 在佛像雕刻方面宋代呈现了它独特的艺术风采。
- The people in Song Dynasty introduced void from Li's flowing grace and then belittled Li.This is un fair. 而宋人由“飘逸”引出李诗之“虚”进而加以贬抑,是有失公允的。
- Is halbert made in Sui Tang period?It is rare in Ming Qing dynasty,but it doesn't appear in Song dynasty. 是不是隋唐时期形制的戟啊?明清时期很少这样的,宋也没有。
- Guo Moruo considered that it was printed in Song dynasty, but his evidence is fallibility. 郭沫若认为该书是“辽人著书入金翻刻,金本入宋再被翻刻”,其所依据的宋讳、辽讳、金讳并不可靠;
- The appraisal and comments of Su Dongpo, a famous poet in Song dynasty, are on the piece of work. 这幅作品上还有宋代苏东坡的品题呢!
- In this way, he is a summarizer in Song Dynasty of the active influence of Li theory on poetics. 在这个意义上,他成为宋代理学思潮对诗学思想产生积极影响的总结者。
- Zen Buddhism was so popular in Song Dynasty in which gerentocratic officers are also Zenists. 苏轼于佛教中更偏爱禅宗。
- The Han clan, which emigrated from Hongtong Shanxi province, was the descendant of the Minister Hanqi in Song Dynasty. 摘要山西洪洞韩氏由河南安阳移居,系宋代丞相韩琦的后裔。至明朝成化年间户部尚书韩文时该族兴盛,产生了一批士大夫。
- In Song Dynasty,there were professional officia ls in charge of wine-making industry in Quzhou. 在宋代,衢州酒业里设有专门管理酒务的官员,酒税一直是历代封建朝廷的主要财源之一。
- In Song Dynasty, Tang Yunzhang, who was born in Lanxi, was fighting with Yuan Armies at this place. 山巅建狮岩寺,另有将军庙、八角亭、仙鹤亭、将军墓、八角仙井等建筑。