- Comments on the Civil Legal System of Bai Ethnic Minority Group in the Ming Dynasty: from the Aspect of Ancient Golden and Stone Testaments 从金石文契看明代大理白族地区民事法制状况
- Bai ethnic minority group 金石文契
- The Changes of the Fiery Culture in Oroqen Ethnic Minority Group. 鄂伦春火文化变迁。
- The Xianbei is an ethnic minority group in Northern China. 鲜卑族是我国北方的一个少数民族。
- Here in the west, the Magar people are the largest ethnic minority group. 在西部,玛嘉族是最大的少数民族。
- The festival is celebrated by the Kazak ethnic minority group, held in the fist lunar month. 那吾鲁牧节哈萨克族的节日,农历正月举行。
- The wood drums dance of Wa Ethnic Minority Group carries on their religion,culture and customs. (男)云南佤族木鼓舞以舞蹈传承着民族的宗教、文化和风俗。
- Linguists are extremely interested in the dialect spoken by this ethnic minority group. 这个民族所讲的村话,引起了语言学家极大的兴趣。
- Great efforts will be made to train cadres and talented personnel from among ethnic minority groups. 大力培养少数民族干部和各类人才。
- We will adhere to and improve the system under which ethnic minority groups practice self-government in the regions they inhabit. 坚持和完善民族区域自治制度。
- The Bai Ethnic Group has its own distinct culture. 白族是一个有自己独特文化的民族。
- And the heads of the governments of the 155 ethnic autonomous regions,prefectures and counties (or banners) are all from ethnic minority groups. 155个民族自治地方政府的主席、州长、县长或旗长都由少数民族人员担任。
- The fact is worth to be corrected that studying fables in ethnic minority groups with western mythological theory of evoluti... 用西方进化论神话理论研究中国少数民族神话的方法值得纠正。
- Welcome to Ethnic Minority Groups Development Research Institute of Development Research Center of State Council, P.R.C. 国务院发展研究中心民族发展研究所欢迎您!
- The various ethnic minority groups in China are free to celebrate their own traditional festivals,and the state gives them holidays and supplies special food for the holidays. 各少数民族自由地按本民族的传统习惯欢度节日,国家按照各少数民族年节习惯安排假日,并供应节日特殊食品。
- Does she look like a Bai ethnic girl? 你看她是不是有白族姑娘的影子?
- About two million of them are in Thailand, mostly members of ethnic minority groups and hill tribes, perhaps the largest stateless population in the world. 在泰国,有200万这样的无国籍的人,大多数是少数民族和高山族,大概是世界上最多无国籍人口的地方。
- With the addition of the Lhoba ethnic group,identified in 1965,and the Jino ethnic group,identified in 1979,there are 55 ethnic minority groups which have been formally recognized and made known to the public. 加上1965年确认的珞巴族、1979年确认的基诺族,全国55个少数民族都被正式确认并公布。
- With the addition of the Lhoba ethnic group, identified in 1965, and the Jino ethnic group, identified in 1979, there are 55 ethnic minority groups which have been formally recognized and made known to the public. 加上1965年确认的珞巴族、1979年确认的基诺族,全国55个少数民族都被正式确认并公布。
- The area of Tu Jia Ethnic Minority Group 土家族地区