- Bai j uji 白居易
- Bai J H,Deng W,Zhu Y M et al.Spatial distribution characteristics and ecological effects of carbon and nitrogen of soil in Huolin River catchment's wetland[J].Chin.J.Appl.Ecol.,2003,14(9):1494-1498. [3]白军红;邓伟;朱颜明;等.;霍林河流域湿地土壤碳氮空间分布特征及生态效应[J]
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。
- [5]Bai J,Wang JJ.Advances in the therapy of pancreatic carcinoma with 125I seeds.Int J Radiat Med Nucl Med,2006,30(2):127-128. (in Chinese)白静;王俊杰.;125I粒子组织间植入治疗局部晚期胰腺癌进展
- Bai J uyi 白居易
- This poem is ascribed to the pen of Li Bai . 大家说这首诗是出自李白之笔。
- Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent. 李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人。
- Bai Yutang is a chivalrous, and fearless hero. 白玉堂是宋朝一个侠胆忠肝的英雄。
- [2]Chen S H, Zhang X, Bai J S.LS Method in Boddy-Fitted Coordinate System for Multi-Dimensional Non-Ideal Detonation Propagation [J].Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics,2000,14(4):280-284. (in Chinese)陈森华;张旭;柏劲松.;贴体坐标系中多维非理想爆轰波阵面传播计算的LS方法 [J]
- Li Bai rs poems are often and widely quoted. 李白的诗篇脍炙人口。
- "Za"means a variety, and bai means a lot. "杂"谓杂多,"百"也是形容多;
- Mr. Bai has a large law practice. 白先生律师事务所的顾客很多。
- Mr. Bai's law practice is very extensive. 白先生的律师专业很广泛。
- Mr. Bai: Why did you leave your last job? 白先生:你为什么离开上一份工作?
- His performance of LI BAI is top-notch. 他扮演的李白特别出色;
- Does she look like a Bai ethnic girl? 你看她是不是有白族姑娘的影子?
- The shouting Li Bai wakes up from his dream. 大喊大叫的李白从梦中醒了过来。
- But not before Bai gave birth to a son, Xu ShiLin. 但不久前白娘子生了儿子许仕林。
- There are dots above the letters i and j. 字母 i 和 j 上面都有一点。
- I fear Bai Qi won't take my advice. 我担心白起不会听信我的话。