- Baggy leyelid 睑袋
- His trousers were baggy at the knees. 他的裤子膝盖处宽松似袋。
- His pants were baggy at the knees. 他的裤子在膝盖处鼓鼓囊囊的。
- The color is the same, but these are more baggy. 颜色是相同,但这些比较宽松。
- Vivian: You think so? I prefer baggy clothes. 维维安:你觉得吗?我较喜欢宽松的衣服。
- Ross: High collar and baggy pants say I'm a pro. 高领肥裤会显得我很专业。
- I love baggy pants. They give me breathing room. 我喜欢灯笼裤,穿着它我觉得很舒服。售货员告诉他说
- Vivian : You think so? I prefer baggy clothes. 维维安:你觉得吗?我较喜欢宽松的衣服。
- Wearing baggy clothes or changes in clothing style. 穿宽大的衣服,在穿衣风格上有很大改变。
- I like this tank top. It goes with my baggy jeans. 我喜欢这件背心,它很配我很宽松牛仔裤。
- I go to school dressed in baggy clothes everyday. 我每天穿松垮垮的衣服上学
- Does baggy clothes irk your parents? 穿松垮垮的衣服会不会让你父母讨厌?
- My T-shirt went all baggy in the wash. 我的T恤越洗越大了。
- Baggy clothes cover a multitude of sins. 宽松的衣服遮百丑啊。
- Do baggy clothes irk your parents? 穿松垮垮的衣服会不会叫你父母讨厌?
- Don't you think those pants are too baggy? 你不觉得那些裤子太松垮了吗?
- If you wear a navel-baring shirt, wear baggy pants. 如果你穿件露脐装,就搭件宽松的裤子;
- Suddenly, an old man in baggy clothes came. 突然,一位穿着松垮衣服的老人过来。
- Anything baggy, I like to be comfy! 松垂的任何东西,我喜欢是舒服的!
- At the moment, he was wearing an MIT sweatshirt and baggy shorts. 今天,他穿着麻省理工学院又短又松的汗衫。