- Back street boys Quit playing 标签:后街男孩
- Do you fancy the Back Street Boys? 你喜爱"后街男孩"吗?
- Name at least one name of Back Street Boys. 举出“后街男孩”乐队组合中一个成员的名字。
- Back Street Boys Shanghai Concert 后街男孩上海演唱会
- Quit playing games and tell me what you want. 不要含糊其词,告诉我你想要什么
- Quit playing the fool and get some work done! 别再装傻了,干点实事吧!
- OK, let's stop all this monkey business and quit playing around, I want to get back to work. 好了,别再瞎胡闹了,我要回去工作了。
- Saved games should be used when you quit playing or If there is a CTD. 仅仅为了防止死机和结束游戏而存档。
- It's a very rushing day for me today but then I never quit playing mahjong. 今天特别想念小周因为很开心多几个月就能见到他。
- Play for time Quit playing games and tell me what you want. 别再躲躲闪闪,告诉我你要什麽。
- Here stands Columbus,whom the street boys used once to follow and jeer,because he wanted to discover a new world;and he has discovered it. 现在站在我们面前的是哥伦布,正因为他想发现一个新世界而已经发现这个新世界,一群街头玩童一度追逐着嘲笑他。
- The car twisted through back streets. 这部车子迂曲折地穿过後街。
- One day a couple of street boys were paddling in the gutter, for they sometimes found old nails, farthings, and other treasures. 有一天她旁边躺着一件甚么东西。这东西射出美丽的光彩。织补针认为它是一颗金刚钻。不过事实上它是一个瓶子的碎片。
- She said she got lost in the back streets and it took her a whole hour to find her way again. 她说她在背街僻巷里迷了路,花了整整一小时才找回原路。
- She knows the layout of the back streets like the back of her hand. 她对那些偏僻的街道了如指掌。
- They played in small clubs in the back streets of the city. 他们穿街走巷,在城市的小俱乐部里演奏。
- We got there quicker by threading our way through the back streets. 穿过偏僻的街道,我们能快些到达那儿。
- Backstreet Boys - quit playing games (with my heart) 别再玩游戏(和我的心)
- She went out of the town by a tortuous back street, and drove slowly along, unconscious of the road and the scene. 她从一条弯弯曲曲的后街出了城,慢慢地赶着车,既无心着道路,也无心看周围的景色。
- He would drive into the towns but try to use only the back streets. 他开车进城,但尽量走僻静街巷。