- We have complete works of Ba Jin. 我们有巴金的全部作品。
- Ba Jin is a famous Chinese writer. 巴金是中国的著名作家。
- Writers such as Lu Xun and Ba Jin are well-known to all. 象鲁迅、巴金这样的作家是众所周知的。
- Ba Jin's Family,Spring and Autumn have been long and deeply admired in Russia. 巴金的《家》、《春》、《秋》在俄罗斯久享盛誉。
- Ba jin is a literary giant. 巴金是一位文坛巨匠。
- M: Great! I can read some works of modern authors like Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin and Bing Xin etc, right? 棒极了!我能看到鲁迅、舍、金和冰心等现代作家的一些作品,对吗?
- Great! I can read some works of modern authors like Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin and Bing Xin etc, right? 棒极了!我能看到鲁迅、老舍、巴金和冰心等现代作家的一些作品,对吗?
- What was the relationship between the anarchism in Ba Jin's thoughts and the revolutionary democratism? 二、巴金思想中的无政府主义与革命民主主义是什么关系?
- Reviewing the research history of Ba Jin the thesis finds it focuses en the three following questions: Was Ba Jing an anarchist? 回顾巴金研究史,我们会发现,关于该问题的研究,主要集中在以下三个问题上:一、巴金是不是无政府主义者?
- When they get up Guci, Liu Baiyu bent on the entrance to the hospital, he tightly holding the hand of Ba Jin, has repeatedly said. 由于有些患者不能正确对待自己的病情,没有及时得到正确的治疗,甚至有些病人私自乱用激素类药物,贻误了治疗。
- Ba Jin's reflection on culture experienced two periods: one is the extrinsic-opening reflection on the social system especially on the family system. 摘要巴金小说的文化反思经历了一个由外向转为内向的现代化的过程,首先表现为对社会制度尤其是对家族制度的外向反思;
- Views on literature of Rousseau, RomenRolland, anarchism , populism, Leo ? Tolstoy,Belinsky,Turgenev,Chekhov etc influence on Ba Jin novel aesthetic thought deeply. 卢梭、罗曼·罗兰对文学的看法,无政府主义、民粹主义的文学主张,列夫·托尔斯泰、别林斯基、屠格涅夫、契诃夫等人的文学观点,都对巴金的小说美学思想影响深刻。
- In molding the holy images of revolutionary ladies, BA Jin gives ladies the abstraction of sexless and lifeless symbols in spiritual salvation of the male. 在圣女型革命女性的形象塑造中,巴金把女性抽象化为男性精神拯救过程中没有女性生命实感的革命符码、性别符码。
- Jue Xin relaizes his mistake of flabbiness and supports his 2nd and 3rd brothers resistance .This film was filmized on the base of Ba Jin's novel of the same name. 觉新痛苦之中终于认识到自己购乐学的软弱,支持了二弟三弟购乐学的反抗行动。
- Beijing-Kowloon Railway and the railway Ba Jin, Tsubo and soon built high-speedjing kai gao su , 106 State Road 112 State Road, and the formation of three "cross of gold. 京九铁路与津霸铁路、津保高速与即将建成的京开高速、106国道与112国道形成三个“黄金十字交叉”。
- Ba Jin confessions through awareness with Lu Xun and Tolstoy"s sense of remorse to look at Ba Jin awareness of the Philosophy of the superiority and limitations. 通过巴金的忏悔意识分别与鲁迅和托尔斯泰的忏悔意识的比较来审视巴金忏悔意识在哲学方面的优越性和局限性。
- The heroic narration by Ba Jin in the 1950s acquired isomorphic nature with the mainstream consciousness by identifying with key words such as motherland , peace and the people . 巴金五十年代的英雄叙事,通过如对祖国、和平、人民等中心话语的认同,使其和主流意识形态获得了同构性。这是巴金的英雄叙事之所以受到主流意识形态认可和推崇的内在缘由。
- Family is a novel by Ba jin. 这本书是一位美国作家写的。
- Jiangmen Hexagon Special Fiber Development Co., Ltd is situated on foot of Mt.Guieng, the national forest park and the “Birds’ Paradise” as described by the famous writer Ba Jin----Xinhui. 江门市六方特种纤维开发有限公司位于国家森林公园圭峰山下,著名文学家巴金笔下“鸟的天堂”之地,-------新会。
- Ba Jin in the Battlefield in Korea 巴金在朝鲜战场